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My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic OC RP
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 In a small Cafe...

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Thespi Bacchanalian
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 05, 2013 9:15 pm

OzyManedias, the brown pegasus with a black mane, sighed. He had been at the counter for his tiny Cafe for the entire day and not a single customer to show for it.

He sat back in the small stool behind the counter and glanced around. every chair and table was collecting a thin layer of dust from the lack of business. he sighed and started to make a cup of hot chocolate. He got out a relatively clean mug and put in one fourth milk, one fourth, and two fourths boiling water. He took out a bar of chocolate and stuck it in the sweet-smelling drink for good measure. He sighed as he smelled the vapors. He sipped at his drink and eyed the door.

"Bored." He took out a piece of bread and started to flick bits and crumbs at the door.

"Bored bored bored." He continued to throw pieces of bread at the door. What pony would come to a small cafe on the edge of town anyway? His yellow almond shaped eyes darted to the clock. 3:30pm. he couldn't wait until closing time.

He started to daydream of a different time, a long time ago, when he was not some nopony from a dinky little town in the middle of nowhere. He sighed happily. His memories were always a good way to alleviate the tedium of his new existence. he didn't even notice the fly that landed on his nose. "And they all screamed my name in joy..." Ozy chuckled and the fly lazily buzzed away. "If only..." He let his thoughts wander through diffrent scenario.
OzyManedias closed his eyes and let out a log sigh.


Last edited by OzyManedias on Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 12:34 am

Mind if I join in?
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 12:17 pm

((Of course not! be my guest!))
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Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 1:21 pm

Sunny bounced her way around the town her trademark grin never leaving her face for a second. "Hmmm its nice and sunny today!" She bounced past many larger Cafes until she stopped at a small cafe and grinned even wider. She had been stopped by the smell of Hot Chocolate coming from inside "MMMMM!! Hot Chocolate!!" She made her way towards the door but ended up tripping causing her to roll the rest of the way inside and crashes into the counter.
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 6:28 pm

Something slammed into the counter with an audible thud, Ozy blinked lazily and glanced down at Sunny.

Suddenly, steamy hot chocolate poured into his lap. Ozy yelped and jumped up from the counter and ran to the sink. He sat in the sink and let out a deep breath. He returned his gaze to Sunny.

"May... May I help you?" His face reddened as he got out of the sink and limped over to the counter to clean up the mess.
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Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 6:58 pm

Sunny watched the tiny ponies dance infront of her eyes for a minute before shaking her head and smiles up at the pony behind the counter "Hi! i was wondering if i could have some hot chocolate please!"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 7:00 pm

"This is not a charity." Ozy frowned slightly. He winced as he turned around and pointed at the board behind him. "Four bits." He pointed at a picture of a steamy cup of hot chocolate. "I would appreciate it if you paid up front." He said, is stoic expression unmoved.
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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 7:08 pm

Sunny noded and pulled out a small hoofful of bits and put them on the counter still smiling happily "there that should be enough!" She had even given the stallion a large tip for making him spill his hot chocolate "Im sorry i made your hot chocolate spill...i didnt mean to.."
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 8:17 pm

Ozy grunted as he put on the biggest, most fake smile he ever put on ever. The muscles on his face strained to fill the unfamiliar shape. "Its... fine... I'm... fine... thank you..." He blew out a massive sigh of relief as his face relaxed.

"EEEEUGH! I am never smiling again." he muttered. He took the bits, meticulously counted them, and started to put them in the register.

"Oh Celestia, I'm going to have to make small talk now aren't I?" He groaned a little too loud.
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 1:03 am

Unwind stretched his wings as he took a step inside of the Cafe. This place had come across his mind many times but up until now it had never once crossed his mind to stop in and see what it was all about. He had heard that the clerk was a bit odd from many ponies around town. As he come in he heard the small ring of a bell and he laid eyes on a small pale yellow filly. She hadn't even gotten her cutie mark yet. She looked very happy and bright with the red glasses she had on.

The stallion behind the counter seemed a bit nervous at the entire encounter. As if he dreaded the entire idea of having customers. A small groan came from his mouth as he handed the small filly whatever she had ordered. Unwind decided to take a seat at the counter only a seat between him and the small filly as to not invade her personal space. After taking a few seconds to figure out what he had in mind he opened his mouth and in a slightly monotoned and steady voice he asked:

You wouldn't happen to have anything chocolaty would you?

He pulled eight bits out and but them aside on the counter.
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 07, 2013 5:13 am

"You wouldn't happen to have anything chocolaty would you?"

"Modo ego adiuvi te!" Ozy said a little too loudly at Unwind. "I will be with you in just a moment."

OzyManedias turned to one of the machines behind the counter. his wings flexed out and started to manipulate the fine dials and switches. A little cocoa there, some vanilla extract here, some fresh milk to give it a smoother taste.

The finished product was a delectable cup of warm, slightly frothy hot chocolate, with whipped cream and a piece of chocolate sticking out of the white cream. "Enjoy." Ozy set the drink down and pushed it towards Sunny. "Thank you for your business. Feel free to ask me if you need anything." Ozy bowed to Sunny and turned his attention to Unwind.

"What do you want?" Ozy said. "No. wait." He glanced up, as if praying for the right greeting. "What do you want?" the brown pegasus smiled to himself, pleased as punch.
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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 12:25 am

Sunny smiles up at the pony as he sets the hot chocolate down "Thank you mister!" She blows onto it before taking a sip "This is really good!...even better then my Mama's!" She looks up at the other pony who had just come in. "Hi! how are you?"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 09, 2013 3:48 am

Ozy cocked an eyebrow at the filly. "Slightly annoyed by a hyperactive child in my shop, poor, insomniac, and suffering from a mild case of horribly bad luck. But other than that I'm simply PEACHY." He grunted and started to clean the counter. "Shouldn't you be in school or something. how old are you anyway?"
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 10, 2013 11:51 am

There was yet another set of hooves, well, morely so wings, that flew almost silently through that door. A young pegasus girl had stepped hoof in there, eyes wide with worry, confusion and curiousity. She looked around, multicolored, curled wings flapping gently
"Hey, uh, I heard some kinda rukus...! What in Equestria is goin' on here? Is this a mad hou-OOH! Hot chocolate! Don't mind if I do!" Quave giggled, pushing her goggles up. Said pony flashed away in a cloud of desert red, suddenly sitting next to the younger filly sipping her own cup of Hot Chocolate.
"Wow, this is some good stuff! Say, you may wanna close ya store, this arvo's in for some rain. You, young filly, might wanna head home, while you guys do the same or go to your job or whatev. Just thought I'd drop in!" she smirked, downing half the cup already.
"WHEW! I sure as hay needed that! The name's Quave, but you can call me Quee. I work for them big folks up in Cloudsdale in Autumn and Winter," she continues, the cup almost finished. Quave also giggled slightly at there quite bewildered faces.

[[Mind if I join ya'll? ^^]]
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Procedures Administrator

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 10, 2013 12:39 pm

ooc// Hi Pegasister! Welcome to the forum. (:

Before you start, we'd like to get your OC application approved. It will be moved to the Submitted Creations subforum. Once your OC is approved, you may begin posting.

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 7:34 pm

Sunny smiled up at Ozy ignoring his first statement "Im four and 1/4 and me and my Mama just moved here so im not in school yet!"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 7:45 pm

"Apparently..." Ozy grumbled. Why was this filly even talking to him in the first place? and where the buck was her mother? and why was her eyes so freakishly big and cute and adorable-


"Are you hungry little baby? I have an assortment of things I think children like. You don't drink alcohol do you?" He got out a couple of the various snacks and other beverages he has behind the counter.
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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 7:57 pm

Sunny frowned slightly "My name is Bright Sides" She smiled again "But everypony calls me Sunny!" Her eyes light up at the Snacks he place onto the counter and looks up at him "My Mama says "alcohol" is bad for me and i think it smells Yucky!"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 8:00 pm

Ozy quickly stowed the booze. "alright, no more drinks. but how about those snacks Baby?" He started to prepare a chocolate/peanut butter sandwich for the small pony. Time for small talk... "Who's this little baby's mother? You keep mentioning her."
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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 8:12 pm

Sunny decides to ignore the "Baby" comments "My Mamas the prettyest pony in the whole wide world!" She puts a picture of a stuning white mare with a rose red mane on the counter"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 9:35 pm

Ozy glanced at the picture with mild interest. "your daddy must be a very lucky stallion." He joked. Her white fur reminded him of somepony he was not ready to remember just yet. He turned away from the filly as he felt his eyes get a little moist.
"Dilectione mea mortuus abhinc multos annos."
He laughed sadly.
"Well... Momento Mori, I suppose."
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 11:49 am

((my character has been approved~!! could i join? here my paragraph!! ;) ))

A pegasus happened to be trotting down that road at the time, looking around for a pony who needed help. She spied the small cafe, deciding to go there. Quave's speckled hooves trotted delicately on the dusty path, peeking her pale cream head in.
"Hello? I'm a student at Cloudsdale High, and I THINK you should know that a storm's about to hit...?" she smiled awkwardly, stepping in and stretching her wings, closing them once more. Her mane and tail were messy, though loosely pulled back.
"It smells funny in here... What is it?" Quave rinkled her nose, stepping forward a little but gaining a bit more confidence-enough to walk up to the other ponies.
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 12:21 pm

Tacha had been passing by when she heard a pegasus talking about rain. she flinched remembering her last encounter with the stuff and quickly followed the pony into a small shop. it seemed nice and had some interesting smells to it but what she liked most about it was how quiet it seemed. she hadnt even sat down yet but already she could tell she was probibly going to become a regular here. strolling in with her head held slightly higher than usual she took a seat next to the filly and watched with amusment as the clerk attempted conversation with the energetic filly.
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 9:56 pm

((Of course! feel free to join!))

OzyManedias stopped acting like an angsty filly going through a phase and turned his attention to the two newcomers.

"Did you hear that Baby? storm means rain!" He sighed happily. "We don't have enough rainstorms. Anyway what do you two want." He motioned to Tacha, who was closest, then to Quave. "And that Smell is some tea I was making. if you were curious." He sniffed snootily.
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PostSubject: Re: In a small Cafe...   In a small Cafe... I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 10:13 pm

Tacha smiled. she really liked this pony. she swiveled in her chair as she thought about what she wanted. the tea did smell amazing. she gathered her voice as best she could. "if you wouldnt mind...that tea does smell rather you know when ever its ready i wouldnt mind a cup..." she contiuned to rock in her chair a nervous habit she had on occasion. she looked around the shop looking for something to talk about she never was good with strangers, foals were no problem but ponies her own age were a whole other story.
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