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PostSubject: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 7:33 pm

Jim was approaching the school, taking a deep breath. He had moved here from trottingham to get a blank slate, to start again. Things were bad back at his old school, but he could patch things up here. Nopony calling him "psycho" or "Nutter". He had his stuff intact and his face unbeaten, so it was already a good start. At least it was until a voice called him over.

"Hey what's with the Mane? You look like an idiot!"

Jim kept walking, ignoring it.

"I said, get over here!"

Jim was still going. He heard hoofsteps behind him, and as he turned he saw a pony in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette.

"Explain the mane, pal." The pony said.
"Erm...what?" Was Jim's reply.
"Not allowed that kind of mane 'round here."
"Says who?"
"Me. I make the rules 'round here. Anypony disagrees I-"
"What? What did you say to me?"
"I said pathetic you deaf ponce. Look at you- smoking a fag and wearing that idiotic jacket to look cool. I bet you've been dominated a few times. Thing is pal, those who have been troubled can go two ways. They can your way, and become the thing you are- a pathetic little insecure wretch. Or-"

Jim ducked a hoof, smiling. Wearily predictable. He grabbed the other pony by the jacket and held him against a wall. Jim smacked him in the gob several times, before flinging him to the ground and stomping on his stomach.

"Y'see? I've been dominated, so I learned a bit of counter dominance."

As Jim walked away, he spat in the Pony's eye. He was not going to put with this kind of crap anymore.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 8:30 pm

Apple Orcherd was heading up to the school in the skirt covering her blank flank and her saddle bags as she noticed a new pony who was like no other he was a little strange but she decided that nothing was wrong with him. Then Apple saw the big bully at school, she sighed thinking that he would pick on her again. Apple actually had cigar burn on her front hoof because of him.

Then Apple saw the bully turning the corner following the new kid. "This can't be good." She mumbled to herself. She decided to slowly follow them without a sound. Apple stopped frightened staring at the scene. Apple decided to help the bully up she was too kind for ponies to be hurt like that so she got him up.

"Are you o-" She stopped and saw that he was crying "Er..." She got him up without any other word and ran to class.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 8:44 pm

Blind Side neared the school. although to be honest, it was a little difficult to tell. the growing sound of a crowd confirmed that she was indeed near the school. Entering the school, She stops and realizes she forgot her goggles at home. "Drat." She said to herself quietly. Those were the only things that held any illusion of not being blind.

Continuing into the school, she couldn't help but accidentally bump into a pony here and there. But a little clarity came when she heard the sound of what sounded like a fight. Stopping where she was, she listened closely to what could be happening. Her cloudy grey eyes scanning the area to no avail.

With it sounding over, she turns her head as if she was looking around. "What happened? is everypony ok?"
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 6:30 pm

Jim kept trotting along, up to the gates. He saw a group of ponies hanging around the front. He pushed his way through the crowd and sat on a bench in the yard. He knew the bell was meant to go in 10 minutes for registration. Or homeroom. Whatever these ponyvillians called it. He thought over that pathetic excuse for a fight. So the toughest pony in school had been that easy to beat up. Jim already knew things would be easier here. He remembered Big Steve, one of the primary bullies in Jim's school. Jim had barely managed in that fight, and even then when won he was still pretty hurt. He needed a few days off after that.

That was around the time Jim had decided to ask to move. He had an aunt who lived in ponyville, so it was easy for everypony. Jim could get the train to visit home every once in a while.

He surveyed the yard more- there weren't many ponies really doing anything. Mostly standing around and talking. Nopony approached Jim- expected, considering he wasn't exactly the most remarkable pony to ever exist. He pulled out a daisy sandwich and started eating.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 6:47 pm

Apple rushed through the crowds of ponies to get to class, she was thinking that if the big bully knew that she saw him crying that he would crush her. Apple also knew that the yard was the quickest way to class. She stumbled through the crowd and fell on her snout.

"BY CELESTIA'S BEARD!" She yelled getting up and tears stinging her eyes. She touch her snout,Great that made her day just perfect! She looked down at the blood. "... C-can somepony get me to the nurse?" She asked as her vision started getting blurry. "P-please?" All Apple saw after saying that was a blur of the new pony as she passed out from seeing all of the blood.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 7:40 pm

with nopony responding, Blind Side had little choice than to make her way to class. it was honestly amazing that nopony has said anything to her quite yet. She had certainly bumped into enough ponies to last a lifetime. Entering the yard, it didn't take long to hear more commotion.

Was it another fight? probably not this time. not hearing anypony else doing anything, Blind Side made her way to the poor mare. but what could she do? She couldn't see what was going on, much less know how to respond. All she could think to do was poke her and try to understand what was going on. "Hello? Are you ok?" after a short bit of no response, Blind Side was getting uneasy.

"uhm... Hello? A little Help? Anypony?" She said aloud, her cloudy grey eyes looking around, if anything acting as a tactic to pull on some heart-strings.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 7:47 pm

Jim saw a mare pushing through the crowd, trying to get in. He was finding it rather amusing. That is of course, until she fell over then collapsed. He then saw another mare standing by her, calling for help. Jim quickly rushed over to them, and inspected the situation. He performed an analysis in his head- he'd start doctor training in a couple of years, and he needed to figure out what was wrong.

"Alright, fell over. No prior accident, as she seemed perfectly fine on getting in. Therefore she just got knocked out. Still, she'll need to see the nurse just in case."

As he babbled a little, he saw a few ponies looking at him. He rolled his eyes. Can't they see a budding doctor is trying to work? Whatever. He picked up the unconscious mare with one foreleg, and said to the one next to him:

"Could you take her other foreleg? She needs to see the nurse."
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 7:56 pm

As Apple was unconscious she heard murmurs of the ponies yelling for help and that. Apple could've sworn that her life were flashing before her eyes. She also see a figure... What was it? Luna? Celestia? Apple knew she wasn't going to die but it felt like it. She had to breathe through her mouth because her nose was clogged up with blood.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 8:08 pm

Finally, Blind heard somepony come and help. and luckily, he seemed to know exactly what he was talking about. "Sure." Blind Side said as she took the mare's other foreleg and laying it over her shoulder. Now was not the time for her to be thinking about bumping into anypony.

Following the stallion's lead, she helps carry the poor mare to the nurses office. turning her head to the Stallion, Blind Side speaks up. "Thanks for helping. I had no idea what was going on."
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 8:23 pm

"Yeah, I noticed. Saw you're blind, right shame that. Anyway, we'd best be there to explain to the nurse what happened, eh?"

Jim opened the door to the nurse's office, carrying the mare in. The nurse immediately snapped up the mare and carried onto a table, checking her over. She turned back to Jim and the other pony.

"She'll be fine. She just needs a few minutes- she had a minor knockout. Nothing serious. You two should get to class. Off with you."
"Wait, should we not be here for her? She'll have no idea what happened!" Jim suggested.
"How would you know that?"
"I'm meant to be a doctor. My cutie mark says so, so I often read records and such to help me get into the profession."
"That's great to see more ponies going into the medical field, but you really need to get to class. I'll send her up to you if you really want- according to the register she's in your class for first period anyway. It's science. Jim, correct?"

As Jim turned to leave, the nurse called him back.

"Wait, aren't you that new pony from Trottingham?"
"I am." Was Jim's reply.
"Oh! You'll need a guide to show you around. Blind, could you fill that in? Normally that would be assigned in registration but due to this incident you've missed it. You're also in the same first period class as Jim here. I'll mark you both form as here. Now, off to class."
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 8:28 pm

(Is still passed out)
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 8:48 pm

As the nurse confirmed what the Stallion had said before, Blind Side gave a sigh of relief. it was very good that it was nothing major.

"Oh! You'll need a guide to show you around. Blind, could you fill that in? Normally that would be assigned in registration but due to this incident you've missed it. You're also in the same first period class as Jim here. I'll mark you both form as here. Now, off to class."

"I'd be happy to, ma'am. I'll be back after school for that checkup on my eyes!" She said, smiling and making her way out of the room. Turning back to where she thought the stallion was, she smiles some more. "That's a bit of good luck that we both have the same class, eh?"

She was a little surprised that she knew her way around herself. although she had been around for awhile.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 8:57 pm

"That it is my friend. Now, where exactly are we going for science?"

Excellent. Jim loved science- particularly the chemistry department, but they started off with physics first apparently. Still, physics was fine. Jim always characterised it as learning about the very fabric of reality. He wondered when they'd cover unicorn magic- that certainly interested Jim. As a Pegasus it always interested him to learn more about these mysterious creatures. But child try was the big one. He'd heard that biology was best for a doctor, but that was incorrect. A doctor only needs basic knowledge of the anatomy of a pony to do his job. It was the chemicals and drugs needed to medicate the patients that were the big part.

He followed blind to the science department. He had to admire her- being blind presented a lot of difficulties. Yet she took it all in her stride and didn't let it rule her life. That was truly inspirational to him. He had adopted a similar policy in his old school, but he'd found that it didn't really work with Jim's classmates at the time, so he just decided to duff up anypony who tried anything nasty.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 9:17 pm

Apple's back hoof twitches. Her eyes open but she just lays there silently trying to recap everything that had happen. All she could remember the scene of the new stallion beating up the big bully. As she remembered the scene the cigar burn on her front leg burned.

Apple sat up and decided she would get to class, the nurse wouldn't care anyways. She starts to stumble out the door to try to get to class falling a few times on the way there. Apple was as quiet as a mouse though... Until she realized it was the other way. Science was one of Apple's favorite subjects, except when they were hurting animals of course. Apple decided she would take a short break at her locker and almost fell asleep.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:36 pm

"Right this way." She said happily as she turned to head down the hallway. It felt odd trotting around without her goggles. With her goggles on, she had no problem with whether her eyes were open or closed. Without her goggles though, she found herself wanting to keep her eyes closed.

With only the occasional time to feel around, She makes it to the classroom. running her hoof over the sign by the door, the braille confirmed it was the right place. It was a good thing that the school had planned for blind ponies long before she got there, because the braille really helped her out.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 10:32 am

Jim opened the door to the science classroom and trotted in. The class looked at him and blind, obviously wondering where they'd been. The teacher, a yellow stallion with glasses and a beard (how stereotypical) approached them.

"What kept you Blind? And who is this?"
Jim cut in.
"Sorry sir. Somepony fell over in the yard before registration and had a minor knockout. Didn't catch her name come to think of it. Blind and I both went to her and after a mental analysis I figured she'd be alright but should probably go see the nurse. We took her down, and indeed I was correct. The nurse sent us off to class, and after seeing we're in the same class first period she assigned Blind here as my buddy. Apologies for being late."

"I see. Well, I did hear about something like that." He turned to his class and asked them "Is this true?" They all nodded. "Okay then, you're both off the hook. I believe you're that new pony from Trottingham, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright then. Sit in that empty seat next to Blind. The one on the left that is- the one on the right's taken by Apple Orchard."
"Okay then sir."

Jim sat down and pulled out his science textbook and a pen, ready to learn after all that commotion. He noticed he was getting dirty looks from that bully he had decked earlier. Jim just waved back saying "Alright mate?"
He also noticed he was getting a few looks due to his accent. As of yet he couldn't tell if it was interest or amusement.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 7:53 pm

Apple Orcherd got up and headed off (again) on her trip to science and of course she stopped by the bathroom to clean the blood from her nose. Apple's vision was still a little blurry but she could see. She got into the science room at some point during class. She didn't check the clock or listen to what the teacher was telling her, she just sat down confused and waiting for him to get on with class.

Apple looks at the new kid and Blind. "Er- do you either two know what happen?" She had a cut on her nose. It wasn't that big but it sure did hurt.

Apple noticed that all of the ponies in the class were either looking at her or the new kid. She smiled though, it hurt but she remembered her mother saying "it never hurts to smile"

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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 8:24 pm

Blind Side Stood idly while Jim explained the situation. It was certainly something she hadn't done before.

taking her seat, Blind listens closely for the teacher. at the moment it wasn't that hard, because their entrance had effectively silenced the room. that silence was short lived though, as whispers sprouted up here and there, along with Jim addressing somepony else. She assumed it was something about the fight she heard earlier that morning.

Another pony entered the room. but this pony said nothing. All Blind could do was sit there and listen closely for identification. but as the pony sat down next to her, she knew it was Apple Orcherd.

"Er- do you either two know what happen?"

Keeping her head pointed forward, She spoke quietly in response. "I'm not entirely sure. I just got here myself." She didn't really feel bad about not turning her head to the mare, because she assumed everypony in the classroom knew she was blind anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 8:37 pm

Jim rolled his eyes. Already getting ponies saying stuff about him. And they say misanthropy is idiotic. Still, he supposed Blind was alright so maybe this place was better than Trottingham. He observed the class- no particularly stupid ponies. Really just the Bully, who was red faced with rage. When said bully saw Jim looking at him, he scrawled a few words on a bit of paper. He held it up to Jim with his hoof. "I'll kick your flank after school". Jim just laughed, and scrawled "Good. I'm looking for a laugh." And showed the message to the Bully, who you could almost see steam coming out of.

Overall, Jim was enjoying himself. He was screwing with a Bully everypony clearly hated due to a few grinning at Jim for his reply. He had also already made a friend. That was great too.

He then saw the door open and another pony came in and sat beside them. Why, it was the mare who had fallen. She inquired as to what happened, and Jim filled her in.

"Well, you fell over in the yard and knocked yourself out. I performed a mental analysis and knew you'd be fine, but it was best to take you to the nurse. Blind here helped me carry you down, and as I expected the nurse told us you had a minor knockout so you were fine. Mostly just fell asleep really. Now that I think about it, we haven't really met but you're one of the most interesting things to happen to me. My name's Medic Jim, but my friends just call me Jim. What's yours?"
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 30, 2013 7:35 pm

Apple looked at the the bully real quick then back at Jim and hesitated, then she finally answered the question. "My name's Apple Orcherd but ponies call me Apple." That was a lie, most ponies didn't talk to her except for Blind Side or the teachers. Apple thought it was nice that she was one of the most interesting things that has happen to a pony.

Apple was a little fidgety during class. She kept on glancing at the two ponies that she had seen fighting earlier and then at Blind, it was tragic how such a sweet mare could not be able to see.Apple then just doodled on her notebook she didn't want to do anything else she couldn't do anything else her focus was completely gone today.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 30, 2013 7:45 pm

Blind Side had no idea that Apple was the mare who had been knocked out that morning. "Wait, that was you that we took to the nurse's office this morning?" She said, still keeping a little quiet. "I had no idea." Blind Side was looking a little concerned. It always bothers her when she makes mistakes like this. It was bad enough that she get's lost every now and then, but she should be able to recognize ponies somehow by now.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 1:33 pm

Jim sat down, finally being able to work. This stuff was pretty easy- mostly just going over stuff they'd probably already covered. Jim knew the answers anyway. He answered a few of the teacher's questions but mostly stayed in the background, doodling on his jitter since he already knew all of this.

Jim noticed apple kept glancing at him and the bully. Analysis- couldn't be a romantic thing, as she was staring at two stallions. Had she seen the fight? Jim knew the bully wouldn't grass- nopony ever does out of either fear or pride. But he didn't know Apple at all, so she might tell or not. Jim felt it was best to mention it to her.

He then noticed blind didn't look too happy. She seemed almost sad that she'd not known it was Apple. Jim also felt he'd better talk to her.

"Listen, I have two things to ask. Firstly, Apple, did you see what happened today while I was walking to school? I won't be angry or anything. All I ask is that you don't grass. Secondly, blind are you alright? You seem a little down."
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 2:36 pm

Apple passed a note to Jim saying "I saw everything I even saw the bully cry I can't tell you face to face because he might hurt me again" She didn't look at Jim after giving him the note forcing the tears back, she decided to look at the scar on her front leg. Se was so afraid of the bully that every class she had with the bully she would hide under her desk especially in math class when she had to sit by him. The teachers understood but they wouldn't do anything.

Apple was glad that the bully didn't pick on Blind she was such a nice pony. If the bully did pick on Blind, Apple wouldn't be able to do anything. So she waited for Blind's response on how she was doing. Blind was Apple's only friend in this school and she didn't ask her how she was doing... What a jerk.
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Blind Side

Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 3:01 pm

She was caught in her own thoughts on how she could recognize ponies when Jim asked her a question. "oh, yeah, I'm ok." She said, putting on a smile. "I just feel bad whenever I make the mistake of not recognizing somepony." Her head was still facing forward. listening closely to the teacher, she makes mental notes of key information. She found Science interesting, but she was always bad at it.

"But, I never asked you if you were ok. It sounded like you took a nasty spill this morning." she said, turning her head slightly towards Apple.
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PostSubject: Re: High School   High School I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 3:11 pm

Jim read the note with an eyebrow raised. Then he felt heat rising. He had never felt this enraged at anything. He didn't know why. He guessed it was because he hated bullying of any kind. He'd sort that Bully out, well and good.

"Apple, has he done anything specific to you? Are you his punchbag or is he like this to everypony?"

He then looked to Blind.

"And I don't see how you'd feel bad when you don't recognise somepony. It's something you can't help. If you had a missing leg, would you feel guilty when you tripped?"

He was sounding like a right smart arse. He didn't like that. He also noticed that Apple was staring at something on her leg. If that bully had done something to her, there'd be hell to pay.
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