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 The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club

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Rosey Bubbles
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PostSubject: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 8:41 pm

The mare, grinning ear from ear, sat in a circle with about 4-7 other ponies. She wasn't quite sure. But it didn't matter! They were gonna have fun! She clapped her hooves together, making the ponies in the circle go silent. She was, what some patients might call, a Smiler, or Smiley.

"Hello everypony, and welcome to the first meeting of Breakers Club!" She grinned chipperly at the patients. "Now, almost all of here should have something in common! Triggers and personality disorders!" She said it as if it was some kind of trophy, a perk. "Today we'll try to get each others triggers out and show us your TRUE selves! Doesn't that sound fun!?"

Either no pony had told her how terrible and dangerous this was, or none of the staff or workers had cared. She pointed to a random pony.

"You! How about you start?" She smiled again, showing her perfect pearly whites.
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:04 pm

Gaffey just stared at the mare eyes a derp *Is she pointing to me or Bingo or Verday?* he continued to stare silently at the mare that was smiling at him so he decided to smile back, when he smiled it was a creepy strange smile and he just kept staring at the mare smile never leaving his face, not blinking even once.
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:08 pm

Rose beamed at the Smiler.

"I don't know what you mean, getting our triggers out," she said. "It's hard to do, for me at least, when my trigger isn't around. There are two of them, actually, a stallion and his wife, but that's it, really."

She wasn't going to say his name... she wanted to seem completely normal. Only then could she go back to growing pretty crystal flowers and making her crystal dye... they were very pretty, and it made her sad that nopony got to see them while she was locked away in here.

She brushed her mane with the comb she had brought from her room. It was to look as neat as possible, with all the sparkles showing. She was beautiful, and she knew it. It helped her get on doctors' good sides. Just stay calm, Rosie, and you'll be fine.
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Rosey Bubbles

Rosey Bubbles

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:12 pm

"What-" Sea Salt starts to say, then gets images of Curtain Glow, one of his many triggers, flash through his brain, "-Triggers? TRIGGERS! HAHA! I NEED SOME FRESH AIr, I NEED TO GO OUTSIDE, WHERES SEA WISH, WHERES SEA WISH!!?!?!?!? SHE'S SUPPOSED TO COME, WE NEED TO GET OUT, WE NEED TO...WE NEED TO GET OUT!!!"

He grabbed his chair and slammed it against the wall, frantically searching for a way out. He needed to find a way out...
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:18 pm

The Smiler held Gaffey's gaze before coming to attention with the mare beside him. The mare had smiled back. That was a good sign! She quickly went through the member's profiles she had printed out from the computers. "Ah, Rosella! If it's just when they're around, that's progress!" She beamed, clapping her her hooves together in a tiny applaud.

"But that means you still aren't over it!" She added. "We have to get them out! Who were they again...?" She scavenged in her papers again, unaware the pain of mentioning the names to her might be. "Ah! Recurve and Sweet Dreams, correct? What's wrong? Did you like that stallion? It's very unhealthy and rude to think sexually about someone who is already married, but that's why you're here! So we can help you!" She grinned again.

She then saw another stallion, to put in short, freaking out. "Sir! Sir! We haven't even discussed your trigger! Sir!" She said, but if this was the way to make him be all better and healthy, then she'd let him have his break-through. Yay!!
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:20 pm

The strange foal sat next to the crystal pony and stared up at the fluorescent tubes of the room they sat in and muttered to himself.

The young unicorn's very presence was disturbing, the way he just stared. It was not the same blank gaze of the usual insane pony.

He looked perfectly normal, just like a regular old pony you would run into on the street. He would just stare, and stare, and stare. Until he had enough of whatever he was staring at.

"Celotex. gross. You just had to make it Celotex, didn't you?"
"Now is not the time for jokes, you dumb buck. They think I'm crazy! And It's all your fault, you know. All your damn fault."
"Uh... I don't want to stop talking to you. Shut up! No. Wait. Sorry. Please don't. I don't know why I can't feel them. They are gone. All gone. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll go back now."

His turned his gaze to the crystal mare next to him.

Total nuthouse, this place.

Total nuthouse. Total nuthouse. Total nuthouse. Total nuthouse. Total nuthouse.

Well at least the door was closed.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 9:22 pm

Dawn stared at the ponies then looked up to the ceiling, what she saw was her owl in her mind. She followed through the walls and back. She started floating around with her magic.
Dawn had stopped paying attention to the group the moment it started. She started floating upside down really quickly.
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 12:23 pm

Onyx simply sat in a corner of the room, eyes closed and not moving in the slightest. He was listening to the ponies around him, but not really paying attention to the actual words (or incomprehensible sounds) that they uttered. He did not wish to slowly lose his own sanity by subjecting his mind to the sounds of the insane.

There were those that were not insane in the asylum, but those few ponies were simple-minded idiots. As far as he was concerned, Onyx was alone in this madhouse. That suited him just fine, even if it was a little annoying. Daily talks of triggers and disorders, food that seemed to be recycled from whatever the staff through out the previous day, staff that could not tell the difference between help and torture... He was at least lucky enough to not be noticed too much by the 'Hatchets' or 'Smilers', as some of the other 'patients' called them. Simplistic names, but they nonetheless did a good job of portraying the natures of the respective staff.
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 8:40 pm

Oreo sat next to the colt who was staring at the ceiling. She didn't want to sit too close, that would make him leave, she didn't want him to leave. The colt was probably around the same age group as her, she was probably a tad bit younger then him. Oreo stared at the lunatics around her then realized that she was insane too. Who could blame her though? She was still young as she watched her home burn to the ground with her mother inside. Ponies say that the reason the house caught fire was because Oreo had done it. She didn't, and that's where her anger problem came from. Oreo only had her friends, and they watched her go into the asylum. They probably didn't care... B-but they're my friends...
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 4:30 am

Vassago's focus with the ceiling was only broken when a little filly, around his age, sat next to him.

He gave her a sideways glance and a harsh glare.

"So." He coughed slightly.

"How are you broken? Aren't you a pyromaniac?"
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Rosey Bubbles

Rosey Bubbles

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 4:44 am

(is there a posting order??)
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Dawn Orchard

Dawn Orchard

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 9:56 am

"Well, let's see, I have anger and abandonment issues. They were both caused from they same thing which was my adopted mother dieing a fire that was in my own home and me having to escape and watch. Plus there is the fact that ponies blamed it on me... Their not dead, but they'll be in a hospital for most, maybe the rest of their life. Surprised I was just sent here, not in a prison. No, I see now. Prison is better then this sh*t."

Oreo didn't look at the colt when she said this, because it was true. He wanted to know this, so she told him. If you saw her eyes they would've turned red, but she shut her eyes, so they wouldn't be as weirded out.
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 11:53 am

(Well alrighty then. I was waiting.)

Ms. Smiley had gone too far. Rosie couldn't hold onto herself, relinquishing control of her body to Rose. Rose snarled and tackled the Smiler. 

Fun Fact: Crystal Ponies are about three times stronger than normal ponies, and they can break bones with a few punches from the hard, rock-like surface of their skin. Rose rained blows down on the mare, hitting really hard with the intent to seriously injure, or even kill.

Inside, Rosie fought to gain control over her body, but it was to no avail. She really didn't want to hurt this mare, no matter how annoying and hurtful her words were, and she certainly didn't want blood on her hooves. She just needed help from a friendly pony to drag her back out.
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 12:16 pm


Yooooo! Okay, now with six OCs playing, this RP is closed to new characters! So, I'm here to give you guys a posting order so this doesn't all fly and die in a burst of chaos. But before I do post a posting order on these kind of threads, there is NO posting order, so Dawn was correct. I hope none of you are upset with this posting order, I tried to make is fair... Alright, let's begin!
First up there's...

Gaffey the Once Again Random and Senseless! (Gaffey)

Sea Salt the Once Again Hyper-Bewildered (with a need for made-up relatives)! (Sunny)

Mixed Brew the Paranoid Gynophobic (mcewanman)

Onyx the Logical Insomniac! (Vinyl Dash)

Rosella the Lovely and Triggered! (Rosella)

Vassago the Delusional with Misleading Magic! (Thespi)

Oreo the Abandoned and Stoic Filly! (Dawn)

Annnnnd Repeat!

Okay, so start at the top and go down! And thanks!

PS: There will be no Interjection right now from the Smiler who is being bludgeoned by Rosella for she is now unconscious. There will be an Interjection after a few posts though.

Last edited by Moonlemon on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 2:46 pm

(Moony, can you put me further up on the list? I posted second, so... If not, it's okay.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 4:19 pm

(Okay you've been moved one up. I apologize I couldn't further but you've posted twice while the others before you only once. I hope this is okay.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2013 8:10 pm

Gaffey stopped smiling and his face got serious "I only have one trigger and thats fire if i see the stuff i co coco in the loco also i apparently have split personality disorder" he than leaned back in his chair only to fall over.
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 9:01 pm

((Should we skip Sunny in this rotation?))
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Rosey Bubbles

Rosey Bubbles

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 2:51 am

((Nuu! I'll post!))
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 9:47 am

((*Raises eyebrow*))
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 9:25 am

((Maybe we should skip Sunny/Rosey after all?))
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2013 6:18 pm

(Okay since Rosey hasn't posted in 5 days you may skip her. I apologize Rosey but this thread is getting stopped waiting for you. I hope you aren't mad. *hugs* Okay! So skip Rosey, and continue posting!)
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 20, 2013 7:28 pm

Mc is now allowed to join as Mixed Brew. We talked about it, so...
I will edit the posting order!
But now that there are 7 people RPing, no more new-joins, okay?
Okay! Now back to posting, everypony!
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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 21, 2013 4:17 am

Brew was led along to the room by two guards. His forelegs were bound up by hoofcuffs and there was a rope tied to them which the guards used as a lead. When they came to the room, the guards uncuffed Brew opened the door and pushed him in. This wasn't fair! It was just a minor phobia! He didn't belong in the nuthouse! He would have yelled after the guards if he wasn't afraid of the hatchets so much. 

He rubbed his foreleg- the shackles had been quite rough. The guards had bound him when he tried to resist. Could he really be blamed? With his phobia, of course he'd resist being grabbed. Brew would really have to get lawyers on this place when he got out. He looked at the actual room. A support group? Okay, maybe they were actually treating him properly. None of those crazy torture sessions with the real lunatics.

However, Brew's mismatched eyes widened in fear when he saw who was taking the group. A smiler. Celestia did Brew hate smilers. He approached and sat down, trying to ignore the smiler's creepy expression.

"Erm....hi. I'm Brew. Just got here a couple of days ago."

(Pray to god we don't get a nymphomaniac)
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club   The Horse Asylum: Breakers Club I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 27, 2013 1:53 am

Onyx opened his eyes when he began hearing a constant thuding, seeing that a Crystal Pony mare who was in the room with the rest of them had decided to bludgeon the 'smiler' overseeing them to near-death. The stallion could not recall the specific reason for the attack as he had not been listening to the other ponies, though if he remembered correctly the 'smiler' had mentioned something that had angered the mare. Well, in any case, she's more good unconscious than conscious.

As this event was taking place, a new pony entered the room. A Unicorn stallion, who had apparently been bound on the way there. He approached the disorganized group of ponies to sit down, speaking as he did so.

"Erm....hi. I'm Brew. Just got here a couple of days ago."

Onyx closed his eyes once again and addressed the new arrival with a nonchalant tone, conveying slight annoyance at the situation. "Welcome to the madhouse."
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