Sweet Song[Profile pic -.(\ again... So embarrassing]
Mane:Blonde and short with a head band
Tail:long and has a curl
Eyes:Light blue
Cutie Mark:
http://rainbowdash260.deviantart.com/art/Music-notes-cutie-mark-296253944Age (Baby,adult): Adult
Personality: Sweet Song is a pony you could always count on. She never wants to be in the spotlight (Unless if she is on stage singing) She always cares about everypony else more then herself. Sweet Song is known to get overly excited about almost everything!
Likes:Parties, singing, dancing,taking care of ponies, and being called just Sweet
Dislikes: Rudeness, sad ponies, and BRUSSEL SPROUTS (Eeeeew)
History: Sweet Song's father was a mean pegasus that made Sweet's mother who was an earth pony leave Sweet Song at an orphanage in Ponyville a few days after she was born. Sweet would always help the workers and try to put a smile on everyponies' faces.
One night at the orphanage it was storming out so no pony could play! So Sweet Song made a plan to put on a concert with one of the workers named Water Slide. No pony knew until they were called to the Play Room and she put on the show.It put a smile on everyponies' faces and got her her Cutie Mark!
Example RP segment: (#1)
Sweet Song was strolling down the street whistling a tune when she stopped by a little filly sobbing!
"What are you doing here alone little filly?"
"I-I lost m-my mooommy!" She said sobbing
Sweet looked at her for a moment confused, then she smiled.
"You mean that pony over there?"
The Filly gasped. "MOMMY! Thank you ma'am!" She exclaimed running to her mother.
"No problem!" Sweet yelled back waving her hoof then continued on her journey to only Luna knows where.