In all honesty, I could make this an emotional spiel about how angry or hurt I am right now, or how my home and social life is horrid, but that'd take too long. In the short run of things I have been given a count down clock so to speak. If I do not get a job or volunteer service for the entirety of summer by the 13th, I will be banned from electronics and going to friends etc for the summer months of July, August, and September. If I'm not on after the 13th you know why. If I am on but only late at night you know why. If I can't post or I disappear in skype or the CB that's because I've most likely been screamed at for being a 15 year old who is only allowed to live in his room. Excuse me, I have a bike I need to prep. And Please forgive me if this sounds snarky or angry or anything. It's because right now I'm trying not to punch a hole through the wall or do something extremely stupid.