BulletProofGender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Mane: Its a short mane which is a light gray with red streaks in on the end, some of the mane brushes into the eyes.
Tail: A long tail which similar to the mane is also a light gray with red streaks. The tail is long enough to brush against the ground.
Eyes: The eyes are abit of a dark red.
Body: The body is sleek and of decent build and a bit darker gray as opposed to the mane and tail. And he is a bit taller than most, but not by much.
Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is a pale spilling over with water.(like the classic bucket of water over the door trick)
Age (Baby,adult): Teen
Personality: Bulletproof is an arrogant young stallion, who has for the most part a rather short temper. Despite his short temper however he is rather a coward ironically enough, and wouldn't actually confront someone directly. He himself prefers to prank others to escape from his agression, often trying to get the last laugh. However he does tries not to be rude to anypony he meets and acts quite neutral around new ponies before he has a reason not to.
Likes: Pranking, Seeing others getting pranked. flying sleeping, Slacking off.
Dislikes: Getting Pranked. Being beat at his own game.
History: Bulletproof when he was younger was usually quite mischevious, and often messed with his older brother. Needless to say his brother didn't exactly approve the way he acted or what he did, but Bulletproof shrugged it off, and continued despite his brother's futile pleas and efforts. And over time it became his passion, to the point where he attempted to make every prank he has done overthrow his last. Because of such actions he eventually got his cutie mark for such persistance.
Example RP segment:
Bulletproof took a step back from the colt and looked down at him(given how slightly taller he is) "What do you mean what am I looking at?!" He snapped back hastily. Although his tone itself may seem to be threatening in its own way, he took another step back.
Darn.....I hate confrontation....to anyone He thought inside his head.
"Well?!" The colt snapped back again. He glanced once more between the colt and filly, and decided to swallow his hatred of confrontation and stepped forward, glaring at the colt.
"Hey! Don't you snap at me! Quit picking on that filly!" The colt hesitated and scoffed,
"Whatever." He muttered under his breath before turning around and walking away. The filly also turned around looking back at Bulletproof seeming a bit confused before trotting off in the opposite direction.