Between PonyVille and Manehattan, a filly and a zebra were stuck on the Freeway. A radio sputtered and spat out some bluesy tracks that echoed across the empty wastes
'Tomorrow night, will you remember what you said to night ?
Tomorrow night, will all the thrill be gone ?
Tomorrow night, will it be just another memory
Or just another song, that's in my heart to linger on...'
Topo kicked a rock out of pure boredom.
"Welp." the filly concluded. "This is jus' a bucket o' laughs."
The striped flank of Fonzemi hummed along with the music for a while under the hood of an old auto-carriage, the sound of wrenches on nuts and welding torches mixed with the music. "Hush yo' mouth, T. You wanna walk t' PonyVille?"
"BUT FOOOOONZ" She pouted.
"No buts, lil' dude. This thang is our ticket outa here, you knowhatahmsayin?" Fonz resumed his humming.
T looked down the long, straight road and poked her older companion's flank. "Take a load off, I thinks we gots company."
Fonzemi looked up, his striped muzzle twitching as he checked his pip-buck. No hostiles, yet. Or maybe his tracker just wasn't working too well.
Topo glanced at Fonz. "Whatcha wanna do?"
"Undah the car."
Topo did what she was told.