Blossom HillsGender:mare
Species:earth pony
Mane:aqua blue, and light orange
Tail:same as mane
Cutie Mark:daisy
Age (Baby,adult): adult
Personality:kind, energetic, happy
Likes:flowers; especially daisies, ice cream, her colt-friend Sunset Streak
Dislikes:mean ponies, dancing, history
History:Born in Ponyville, alongside 5 other sisters. Lived and worked in a pawnshop, where she became especially skilled at daisy weaving. Earned her cutie mark in this way, and decided to move to Canterlot, selling daisies on the street to the upper-class. Found a major break, when Princess Celestia started to regularly request daisy orders. With her business growing in this way, she decided to start an actual shop, when she met the love of her life, the author, Sunset Streak. He was doing a book promotion in Canterlot, and they agreed to go out during his trip. When it was time for him to return to Manehattan, she chose to move her business to the city, to stay with him, and has lived there ever since.
Example RP segment: Colt bullying filly
Blossom was walking up to the spot where she usually sold daisies in the park, when she heard sounds of scuffling. Investigating, she saw, looking behind some bushes, a large colt, with a weight cutie mark, kicking and beating up a small foal, who had a blank flank.
"Remember what I told you would happen?!" the colt yelled, "You filthy blank-flank, this is what you get for hitting on my sister!"
"I wasn't! We're only friends!"
"well guess what? You can't be friends with her, because she has her cutie mark, and you don't!"
Blossom had seen enough. She sprinted in front of the foal, and glared at the colt. The colt stepped back. She had an extremely imposing glare, maybe not the same caliber as she had seen her neighbor Fluttershy use, but good enough.
"You should feel ashamed of yourself!" she said, "Attacking a poor foal!"
"Whatever. You're not my mom!"
"I'll tell her, if you don't beat it, colt."
The colt scowled at the ground, and stomped off. She helped the foal to his feet. Luckily, he was only bruised.
"Run along, little one," she said. "You were right to stand up for yourself."
"Thanks, Missus," he said, and immediately galloped off.