Lucky SpiritGender: Female
Species: Earth Pony
Mane: Short, slightly messy. Brown with light blue highlights around the points and bottom edge.
Tail: Medium-long
Eyes: Grey
Body: Green
Cutie Mark: Crossed Wrench and a hammer
Age (Baby,adult): Teenager
Personality: It mostly depends on her mood overall. If she is happy, she tends to be cheerful and upbeat. If she is angry she tends to be a bit reclusive. Most of the time she is usually willing to do just about any crazy scheme she can dome up with.
Likes: nature, construction, mechanical stuff, working, sleeping, eating, painting, helping others, fixing things, and exploring new places.
Dislikes: pollution (things like littering and unnatural wildfires), being hungry or tired, being alone for long periods of time, cooking, and just being bored in general.
History: Lucky was born in a small village called Acorn, between the Everfree forest and Canterlot. The town it self was beautiful and visitors would marvel at the wildlife and vegetation as they passed through.
While Lucky was playing in the nearby forest, a fire engulfed the town, destroying everything in it. She spent two days searching for survivors, but there wasn't a single pony in the town, dead or alive, after the fire had stopped. Lucky decided to travel to Canterlot in an effort to ask the Princesses for assistance, though she was unsuccessful. However, she did meet an old friend of her fathers; a traveling minotaur merchant named Steel Toe. Steel Toe took Lucky in and allowed her to travel with him all across Equestria, and even to other exotic places she had never heard of before; like the homelands of the Griffons and the Zebras.
When she got older, she decided to start traveling on her own in order to find her place in the world. Eventually she found her way to Ponyville while the citizens were trying desperately to repair the dam before it burst. Lucky helped them fill the cracks and leaks in the dam and, almost immediately after, earned her cutie mark. She now owns her own workshop in Ponyville, but tends to travel a lot during the day.
Other Information: Lucky suffers from schizophrenia. She usually sees or hears the ponies from her village when they aren't really there. She also suffers from a slight case of dementia and can go through random periods of depression on rare occasions.