White covers the edges of his ears like a halo in the sea of light tan brown that his coat expresses. His mane is styled in a straight cut path of black wildfire that runs from his forehead to the bottom of his neck with bits of white patches on the lower end. His snout is a white white cap around his mouth till it faded to light brown, which then goes on towards the middle and fades to a pale brown.
His legs are jet black up till a little over the knees where they become part of the pale brown of his body. Standing at 4’5 is height, weighing at a 112 pounds. His taupe cap has pockets to set his wings which keeps the cape in a fixed position. His light beautifully designed ultramarine blue and grey shaded suit with a purple trim to hold it together. Overlapping stash sheets this ornate light armor has depicted scenes of his family's legacy. The saddle is a black velvet, smooth like those ropes you feel when waiting in line to higher end club. The back has a slot to allow his hair to stick out and covers the entire of his back of his neck.
He was true Pegasus. He stepped quickly towards the colt, almost like a one over hot coals as he bowed with overdone bow. "Twisted Betrayal. You name betrays you as I have heard your gatherings are nothing short of spinning delight." He spoke with cool tone, one that grasp a topic. Holding it there as his amber eyes meet your golden marks. "I have awaited when we would met for some time."