He flipped on the white coat as a murmur of disappointing noise came from the door he shut behind him. Strange how we say the clothes make not the colt, yet we do only this to others. How cultured we think ourselves. Perhaps one day this would be set right, perhaps it would start with the broken filly in the waiting room.
"Gasp." He set a hoof to forehead as he walked towards the filly, setting her in a wheelchair as he carted her away before the receptionist objected to such impulsive action or a good look at him. "It pains me to see a flower be so crumbled. I saw take it upon myself to help it grow back." He quickly took her into one of the rooms, turning her to face him as he lifted a clip board, gazing upon her. "Such nice leg, ruined by a misstep, or failure to notice a heavy object. How it pains me to see you suffer." He lowered for his amber eyes to meet her's. "What could I.." He pressed a hoof to his cheat. "A humble servant do to cure you of your ill's?"