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My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic OC RP
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My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic OC RP
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My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic OC RP

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Blind Side

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Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 12:29 pm

Dylgo tried to make her way inside before he could get in, but she forgot about the fact that he can still fly. the loud crack of the gun stopping her in her tracks, she turns around. She can't get out of this again. as she stood there, terrified, the pain in her injured wing was flaring up. at first it was something she could handle, but now it's enough pain to be visibly showing it.

Her legs giving out from under her, she admits defeat. "I can't run anymore... you got me."
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 8:27 pm

Firework flattened down further, trying to avoid detection. She was concerned that her bright white flanks would give away her position, but so far they had not.

'Don't find me don't find me don't find me,' the mantra continued through her head as her pulse quickened out of fear.
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Digital Changeling

Digital Changeling

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 10:16 am

"Gunshot." He remembered hearing a bang before. Was their recon capable to fire the thing? Shadow hoped he was, else that would have been bad news for them. Then he remembered the injured pegasus, was she still alive? 'That unicorn can wait.' Shadow flew back to where he thought the gunshot came from. He peered through the window of an unfortunate house and saw the two pegasi. "Glad to see you're both still breathing." He said with a snicker before flying off, he still had another mare to find.

'Weren't there three of them? He must have escaped...' Shadow needed to make sure the other one didn't slip by. Just then a group of UAE grunts came, all earth ponies and probably here after hearing the gunshot and Shadow's screaming. "Good that you came." He said, hovering down back to the ground. "There's a rebel unicorn mare on the loose. White coat, orange and yellow mane and tail. Make sure nopony leaves the town. Now go! Except for you." He singled out one of the grunts. "Assist the officer inside the house with his prisoner." Shadow flew off to keep an eye on the area from the sky and the other UAE scampered off. "This has been a long day."
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 12:52 pm

"Yes, I'm still breathing," he muttered under his breath, not much appreciating Shadow's joke in this situation.

He watched the injured pegasus lying on the ground, having submitted to defeat. She seemed completely harmless. Fireseeker pitied her and hated the fact that he had to do this to her. Not only was she likely scared out of her mind but he also sympathised with the pain of an injured wing.

He waved off the approaching guard, who took up a post just outside. Then Fireseeker carefully reached into his saddle bag with a wing and pulled out a water flask. He tossed it towards the pegasus, landing at her side.
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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 2:58 pm

lying on the ground, her wing was in a lot of pain. she had little doubt that she had managed to mess it up again with that landing. more importantly, look at where she is now. taken prisoner by the army that had rejected and insulted her to begin with. to her surprise, a flask of water landed next her. looking at the blue pegasus, she decides it's probably best not to say anything. instead, she opted for a smile. well, as much of one that she could procure at the moment.

Picking it up and taking a drink, she hadn't realized just how thirsty she was. it's been a long day after all. but it was only going to get longer from here on out. looking back at her bandages, she couldn't help but wince at all the tears, scratches, and dried blood on them from jumping through that window.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 12:59 am

Firework saw the Earth Pony patrol nearby searching for her, and decided to act.

She bolted out of the bushes, sprinting passed the startled ponies. A shout went up after her, and the chase began. Darting in between buildings and utilizing her light spell, she lost them after a short time. But then she remembered Dylgo with her injured wing. Firework could not just abandon her as she assumed Green Bolt had done.

She changed her direction, and started sneaking towards the building they had originally been in, careful to not draw attention to herself.
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Digital Changeling

Digital Changeling

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 1:17 am

He spotted the mare who easily dodged the guards and using the same spell to escape. For now he just kept an eye on her from the sky. She forgot he was a pegasus, and that was a grave mistake, especially considering the pegasus in question was carrying a deadly arsenal of daggers in addition to his crossbow. The stallion was like an eagle eyeing his prey as she sneaked around towards her companion.

He had a calm mindset now and was thinking clearly. If he rushed in, the mare would use the same tactic to escape him. His shades would be enough to filter out the light if he didn't get too close. Then again, her magic could run out and the capturing part would be easy. He decided to wait a bit before attempting to attack the unicorn. If they did manage to capture the unicorn, he had to remember to knock her out. Her magic could prove problematic during the trek back to HQ. Killing her was an option, the UEA would be saved from dealing with escape artists and a single captive was much easier to handle. A grin crept to his face as he was thinking this. Lovely.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 4:25 am

Glad that the pegasus had taken his help, Fireseeker sighed. He suddenly felt tired despite having done very little and blamed it on the adrenaline wearing off.

The house door opened and much to Fireseeker's annoyance, his escort of guards practically waltzed in.

"We'll take her from here," one of them grunted, while another produced a pair of hoof cuffs to put onto the pegasus.

"Fine. carefully with her," he replied distastefully, then added, "Don't want her to be more injured for interrogation."

With that, Fireseeker stormed out of the house. He was angry with himself and the whole situation. Why did they need to do this to other ponies? In fact, why did he join the UAE in the first place?
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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 5:04 am

after her drink, Dylgo decided it would be best to push the flask away from her. he seemed very sympathetic for her, so she decided not to implicate him for anything. who knows, he might be of help to her later on. Then the guards came in.

"We'll take her from here."

"Fine. careful with her. Don't want her to be more injured for interrogation."

Dylgo got worried when the blue pegasus stormed out of the room. the guards putting the hoof-cuffs on her, she knows she's done. as one of the guards pick her up, one of them speaks up. "a flightless pegasus thought she could take us? Ha!" Dylgo just hung her head as they roughly picked her up. they were right. what was she thinking? She wasn't useful for anything. She never felt so defeated.

as the guards pushed her out the door, Dylgo looked around. the town seemed surprisingly quiet considering what just went down. there were several passer-byes that stopped to look, but nopony seemed to care about any of this. the worst part was that nopony seemed sympathetic in the least. This reminded her of her colleague, Firework. did she make it out? was she alive? she didn't know.

Hanging her head again, her thoughts are interrupted by the guard pushing her again for no apparent reason.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 11, 2013 9:54 am

((Firework hasn't posted within the 3 day minimum.))

((Digital Changeling may now post.
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2013 6:05 pm

OzyManedias chided himself for the fourth time. This was a horrible idea. Why was he doing this? He was endangering his entire operation for some pegasus he barely knew. But he couldn't allow her to be taken away. Taking advantage of a flightless pegasus... Maybe he related?

Three guards he thought I can do this. No bloodshed.

One of the three guards blinked and slapped his neck, as if bitten by a bug. soon he swayed and fell to the ground, quietly snoring.

before the other two could react, there was a zap of electricity and another spasmed and tipped over as stiff as a board before becoming unconscious.

The third whipped around and aimed his rifle at nothing. "Show yourself!" He commanded. "In the name of the U.A.E-"

Before he finished, the butt end of an Ithaca 37 sawed off shotgun slamed into the side of his helmet, dropping him like a rock.
OzyManedias stood panting behind the last guard. He was no fighter and he wasn't strong. but he was smart and quiet. His body was covered by a large overcoat, his cutie mark and fur covered by dust and cloth. His face concealed by a bandana and a drivers cap shoved over his mane and most of his eyes.He reloaded his tranquilizer pistol and checked the charge on his tazer, then
He kicked the last guard who shoved Dylgo in the stomach vicously.

"Dicks." He grumbled. He lowered his voice to do his best to conceal it, but was betrayed by a hint of concern. Stupid emotions... always getting in the way of business.
"Are you hurt? can you walk?" He brought out a bobby pin and a screwdriver from his pockets and started to work on her hoof cuffs.
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Digital Changeling

Digital Changeling

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 10:54 am

"Just perfect, another one..." Shadow saw everything from up in the sky, and he ran his hoof through his face at the sight of those guards being easily taken down by one newcomer. Pathetic! Completely pathetic! I can't believe they let these morons call themselves 'guards.' I can see why they were so eager to hire mercenaries. The so-called 'soldiers' they trained were as competent as blind monkeys. At least this new colt looks like he knows a thing or two... Fun.

Shadow shook his head and went for a dive, aiming his trajectory towards the new pegasus. His wings fluttered just before he hit the ground to give him a smooth landing, while also whipping up the dust towards the two pegasi. One of the guards beside the mercenary started to stir. With great distaste towards the weakling, he delivered a hard buck to the side of his head, knocking him out cold once again. After resisting his urge to make sure the stallion was out cold for good, he shot a glance at the party of two.

The rim of his sunglasses glinted against the sun as he started to talk with a voice which had a hint of remorse. "I'll give you two a head start. Consider this as a friendly game. If you escape, good for you, you get to go home and be the heroes of this little episode. If I catch you, just hope I'll be the one to interrogate you. Some of these colts rely only on pain to make you talk, me? Not so much. Try to escape and don't look back. I'm not as dumb as these guys over here." Shadow pulled out a dagger from his waist. "Thirty seconds" With that substituting a farewell, he placed the dagger across his muzzle and took off to the roof of one building behind him. Partly to make sure he didn't get caught by some trick that brown pegasus had up his sleeve, and partly cause his suit started to itch around the wing area. He wasn't going to let these two escape without fighting for it.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 7:03 pm

As Fireseeker checked his bag's contents one last time to ensure he had the files on Ponyville, he stuffed them into his chariot. The stallion's pulling it waited impatiently for him to board. Unfortunately for them, just as he made his way to enter, he spotted Shadow Whisper diving from above behind a few buildings.

Curious and suspicious that it was for a bad reason, Fireseeker made his way through an alley until he spotted yet another scene of violence. Three UAE soldiers were sprawled out on the ground. The injured pegasus he had trapped seemed to be being rescued by another pegasus. He listened to Shadow, having watched in horror as he kick one of the guards.

Not wanting to get involved but knowing he didn't have too much of a choice, he took hold of his rifle again and hung in the shadows of the alley, ready to jump out.
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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 8:03 pm

Dylgo thought for sure it was over for her. she was in hoofcuffs, how could she not? before she knew it, she heard a guard fall to the ground. in seconds, it was just her and the other pony that saved her.

"Are you hurt? can you walk?"

"Yeah, I'm ok." She said. "We should..." She started as her hoofcuffs let go of her. she was cutoff by the blue pegasus landing next to the two. Dylgo's sorrow about everything that was happening had turned into anger. but she wasn't about to let it cloud her judgement. "We should go..." she finished, slowly backing up.
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 9:27 pm

OzyManedias cursed his horrible luck "out of the pan and into the fryer." He muttered. He stowed the hoofcuffs and turned back to Dylgo, gently pushing her back onto the ground.
"We will not be going anywere. Stay right there." His voice, muffled by the bandana, was as reassuring as he could make it. A little red nagged him from the corner of his eye.

"You know..." He addressed Fireseeker. "That red mane stands out like a sore thumb."

"Whatever you do, don't shoot. this mare is injured and I'm a field medic. By law there are serious implications in injuring a medic while he is doing his duty." The lie rolled smoothly out of his mouth like a drop of red wine. It was entirely plausible, and if anypony knew the law, he did. This was going to be awfully complicated really really reallly fast.

His bright yellow eyes settled on Dylgo as he brought out a first aid kit. "You owe me." He breathed into her ear as he treated some minor scrapes and wounds. Thank god for basic first aid training.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 10:46 pm

Having watched everything unfold, Firework decided it was time to act. Dylgo was out there alone against the U.A.E, with only what looked like a medic keeping her from being hauled off.

Creeping from out between the two buildings she was hiding between, she approached Dylgo, keeping an eye out for the U.A.E Pegasi nearby. Especially the blue one hiding around the corner, or at least that's what the medic had said.

"How are you holding up Dylgo? I'm sorry you got left behind for a bit, but I was trying to lose some soldiers on my tail. AND THEY RUINED MY FIREWORKS," Firework steamed, trying to keep from yelling.

Firework turned towards the medic, and asked "How soon will Dylgo be able to move?"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 2:44 am

"In mannis venire ex nusquam" He shook his head. "I apologize, but her injuries are very serious." As he mouthed an apology, he put his hoof on Dylgo's injury and pressed lightly, causing a shock of pain running through her body.

"See? she cannot be moved." He turned back to the Red mane of Fireseeker poking out of the shadow. "Come on out. I won't bite. and I'm pretty certain you would have killed me already if you really wanted to, so you can't be that horrible."

He consciously kept track of the thirty seconds he was allotted before Shadow Whisper would come back. It has been about ten seconds till he left. Twenty seconds. She needs to stay "injured" until Shadow came back. If she could only do that, he could stop a scuffle in the making. He had seen his type a thousand times before: a headstrong, over-emotional, totally moral one minute and suddenly the manifestation of pure evil the next. This was good. He could use this.

"No blood. No more blood." he thought.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 3:47 pm

Fireseeker handled his rifle uneasily in his forehooves, disliking the situation. The basic training he'd received supported what the medic was saying, but then the injured pegasus was a rebel, as was the newly arrived unicorn. Both needed to be taken in for questioning, interrogation, jail, or whatever the UAE saw fit. On the other hoof, Fireseeker didn't feel right about badly treating the pegasus or any pony for that matter.

When morals and orders collide an the pressure builds, ponies can snap. When this happens, they make rash and angry decisions, often hasty and irrational. This was what happened.

"Right, that's it!" snarled Fireseeker, becoming agitated and storming forward in a low hover. He levelled his gun at Firework. "You, on the ground, now!" He swung his rifle around to aim at the medic. "And her up!"

He looked up at Shadow and shouted. "And you! Stop playing these Celestia damn games and do what you're hired to do!"
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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 9:51 pm

OzyManedias instinctively put himself in between Dylgo and the barrel of the gun. this was exactly what he was afraid of. Something on the Blue pegasus' person caught his eye. A bag... usually one containing important documents and files.

Knowledge is power, and OzyManedias was to be a God. To hell with blood.

Crystalline salt is used in non-lethal ammunition, and is popular with riot-control and self defense. Shotgun shells are filled with salt, and when fired, send a "wall" of particles towards their assailant like a normal shotgun shell. The rock salt causes intense pain where it makes contact, and may even break skin if shot at close enough range.

Ozy's Ithaca 37 fired a good spray of salt directly at Fire Seeker, the salt dug into his fur, burning like fire. He kept the barrel trained on Fireseeker as he slowly got closer to the pegasus. he indicated Firework and Dylgo
"Both of you, go away." although his mouth was hidden, dimples on his face indicated he was smiling at Dylgo. "It's been a pleasure miss."

He returned his attention to Fireseeker. Get the bag. Run for it. This was too good to miss. "Should have stayed calm like I asked. This whole thing could have easily been avoided." He growled. "now be a good little soldier and stand still." His other hoof subtly went to the tazer in his coat pocket.

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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 10:58 pm

((you know what, I can't even comprehend what the heck is happening right now. there's WAY too much I'd have to dig through.))

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Digital Changeling

Digital Changeling

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 6:41 am

Shadow couldn't help but chuckle to himself as the would-be savior of injured mares explained to everypony about the law of medics. HA! Did he really think that the mercenary didn't know that age old trick? Sure, the law existed and it was just another loophole in war. Enemy medics can't be killed on purpose, and that was the loophole. Medics gain immunity from fighting, this gives them the ability to just waltz around the battlefield in a magical shield of security. Still not getting why this was bad?

Take it this way, the medic can just run to the farthest soldier, saying that he needs to check up on him. This of course allows him to scout the open field without being fired upon, freely gathering up information for a second assault. The need to save what can be saved can be turned into a weapon of war. Though he didn't support the idea of letting ponies bleed to their deaths, he also didn't support the notion of having medics be the one breaking the elements of a good battle station. He was torn about the whole "Medic Immunity" -- or rather, Midnight was torn, Shadow only cared about doing what he does. He discovered another reason why the UAE hired him. Mercenaries are above the rules of war.

As the seconds ticked by, he grew more and more anxious. His hoof was so ready to send that bolt through that "medic's" smug face. He was so busy counting down the seconds that he didn't even care what the medic was doing to his squad mate, or what the other annoyances were doing. "Zero." Like a lightning bolt, he shot strait up to the air, the sun behind him, and dove with the sun's angle. Looking up to see him would leave anypony blind for a good half minute, depending on the amount of time one glued their eyes at the bright object. He would swoop down with his dagger and deliver a stab to the back of the medic, while keeping in mind that his squad mate was there. No good in killing an ally on a first mission, right? The slice wouldn't be too damaging if he kept still, just a gash... a large one. He hovered over a roof to check what damage he did.
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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 11:26 am

Fireseeker cried out in pain as the medic (who he know severely doubted was a medic) fired at him. The shock of being shot at was soon passed by the burin he felt across his entire right side. Stumbling backwards and falling on his backside, he blinked furiously and shock his head in an attempt to clear his vision. His right eye was very blurry and stung badly, so he kept it shut.

His rifle lay on the ground a few hoof lengths away. Fireseeker peered at it but despite the boiling rage inside of him, controlled himself. The pony's shotgun was aimed right at him. He could see him peering at his saddle bags and realised only too late that he still had the documents inside them.

Thankfully, Shadow swooped down and attacked his pony with a dagger, giving Fireseeker a window of opportunity. Abandoning his weapon, he shakily got to his hooves and made a mad dash away from the battle, intent on reaching the safety of his guarded chariot.
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Blind Side

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 12:10 pm

(( considering this is the third time I've forgotten about this RP and I have lost all comprehension of what's going on, one of you can kill me off. I'm just slowing down the works anyway. ))

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Thespi Bacchanalian

Thespi Bacchanalian

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 12:40 am

((Granted Firework hasn't posted in three days, I'm going to go ahead and skip))


So he hadn't fully planned this out.

OzyManedias knew that Shadow was going to attack. He was keeping track and was going to taze him the second he got an inch within hoofreach. He hadn't expected him to be so damn fast!


Ozy spun around, bringing his tazer around to shock Shadow, but by the time he had fully turned around, Shadow's knife had nearly reached his shoulder blade. luckily, his tazer got in the way of the knife.

Ozy was thrown into the wall by the force of Shadow's assault. His tazer clattered to the floor, shredded to pieces.

"Nutrientibus in Iovis ingens irrumabo!" He spat on the floor in frustration. He scanned the room. Where had the red-haired pegasus gone with those documents? He saw the end of a red tail streaking out the door. "Oh no bucking way." He groaned and got to his hooves. He had to deal with Shadow and still reach Fireseeker before those documents were lost forever. Ozy cocked his shotgun and dashed to the door. He let fly a couple more blasts at Shadow's perch as he dashed into the street.

"Where..." He switched to his tranquilizer pistol and aimed at Fireseeker.

Thwip, thwip, thwip, thwip...

He opened fire, unloading the clip at Fireseeker.
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Digital Changeling

Digital Changeling

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PostSubject: Re: Ponyville (Neutral)   Ponyville (Neutral) - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2013 7:38 pm

This medic sure has a one-track mind. He kept on the recon's tail even though Shadow was was right behind him, armed with a couple dozen knives and his crossbow to boot.

Well, if he wanted to die, then why not?

With a venomous laugh that would give even Discord a chill down the spine, Shadow pulled out his crossbow and shot his target three times before flying avoid any surprise attacks. Reloading, he couldn't help but laugh at his enemy.

Give up now, and I'll let you live. Heh heh.
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