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 A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)

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PostSubject: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2013 10:09 am

Cranium stormed into a chipper looking bakery, with a scowl on is face. Cranium was not a happy pony.(Actually, he never was a happy pony.) He had struggled to get a huge box to his house full of equipment, on the way injuring his hoof by kicking it, only to realize he could have used his unicorn magic, and have his little brother laugh and laugh at him for his idiocy, and he also ruined his best labcoats. And, of course he was drenched head to toe from the storm, while other ponies were probably warm and toasty in their homes! And then, Rusty actually PAINTED HIS OTHER BEST LABCOATS BRIGHT RED! 4 of them! " THAT'S 5 OF MY BEST LABCOATS!" he screamed, then noticing the other ponies, turned his nose ( do ponies have noses?) in the air, and went up to the counter, still fuming. He sighed, and looked at the displays of sweets. Cranium hated sweets, but espicially... his eyes drifted to a cupcake. Oh, how disgusting. He despised cupcakes with a living, burning passion.
" Do you only have cupcakes? I'll have you know cupcakes are extremely harmful to ponies, overloading with fat and sugar! If I wasn't so hungry, I would sue you!" Cranium said loudly.
A tall, orange stallion wearing an apron stared at him for a moment, then quickly said " We don't just have cupcakes... we have scones,pies,cakes,tarts..."
Cranium frowned, then gave a sigh. " Very well. One plain scone please." He wouldn't even be here, but he had another science lecture in one hour, and needed some food, and this oversized gingerbread house was the closest to him. He sighed, and looked at all the tables. They all seemed full... except for one table, which seemed to have room for one more pony, if he was correct. he walked over to the table where the pony was sitting at and cleared his throat, indicating he wanted to take a seat.

( Sorry guys, I fail at making paragraphs, so try to pardon that)
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 12:30 am

((I can't say it's too legit for Onyx to be in a town filled with "simpletons," but I think he just has to meet your OC))

~~~OC: Onyx~~~

Onyx opened his eyes when he heard someone clear their throat. Someone disrupting his limited state of peace did annoy the Unicorn slightly, but not quite enough for him to show it on his face. He had been hoping that no one would disturb him for at least a few moments, but to expect that would be expecting a bit to much from the fools surrounding him.

When the rain had begun, Onyx first went with constantly using a simple spell to keep the rain from touching him, but after it had been pouring for a few minutes he decided that it would be better to seek actual shelter rather than tire himself out for no good reason. The closest roof at the time had been the one covering this over-sized gingerbread house, which was the only reason why he was sitting in this establishment rather than inside any construction that did not degrade the status of anyone contained within it. He was wearing his usual deep purple cloak, and the only thing in front of him was a glass of water, now half empty. He wouldn't have minded ordering something to eat, but, sadly, this establishment did not provide food. That is, what he considered to be food.

Onyx slowly turned his head to face the newly arrived pony, completely expressionless. After a moment of staring at the other Unicorn, seemingly observing him, he spoke.

"If you want to take a seat, go on ahead. Don't expect me to feel anything but indifference, unless you plan on throwing that scone at my face for the sheer joy of it, which would not surprise me in this town of simpletons."

Oh, how I miss the peace of the Canterlot Archives, and of my study...
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 5:09 pm

The other unicorn looked up, and gave Cranium a blank look. Cranium stared back at him, trying desperatly to maintain the same cool and collected appearance, though it would have much pleased him to overturn the table, and storm out like an undignified barbarian. But this wasn't Cranium so, he continued to wait. The other unicorn finally spoke."If you want to take a seat, go on ahead. Don't expect me to feel anything but indifference, unless you plan on throwing that scone at my face for the sheer joy of it, which would not surprise me in this town of simpletons." he said, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Cranium suddenly looked at the pony, clothed in a deep purple cloak, first with an expression of suprise, which soon changed to one of fury. Was this... this... fool suggesting he was a simpleton?! " Ha!" he laughed bitterly, and edge to his voice. " I assure you, I am no simpleton," he said, barely keeping from strangling the unicorn. He pulled out a magazine, Scientist Weekly from his coat packet, and sighed as he looked at it. Not only was it soaking wet, Rusty had drawn a moustache on pony on the cover. Cranium pushed the magazine off to the side. He gave his scone a look of disdain. It was turning cold already. Ugh. But he really was hungry... he sighed and gave the scone a small nibble. He was so disorganized today... this was not his day, surely. He wouldn't be surprised if he was late to his science lecture.
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 5:28 pm

Sorry to interrupt but until your OC is approved Happyhobbit, you cannot roleplay. You will need to have make the previously suggested changes to Cranium's app.

Apologies for not telling you sooner.
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 12:59 am

The other Unicorn stared back at Onyx for a few moments. Initially, his expression was one of shock or surprise, but that look quite quickly gave way to anger, even fury.

"Ha!" The stallion laughed bitterly, rage clearly being suppressed in his voice. "I assure you, I am no simpleton!"

At that point the other pony pulled out a soaked magazine and glanced over its front. From looking at the back cover, Onyx could tell that it was some sort of scientific journal, but which one it was he did not know. Still, he had not expected anyone in this run-down farming community to be carrying any form of documentary or meaningful information. He may not be a complete idiot after all.

The Unicorn then pushed the magazine off to the side and, after a short moment of hesitation, took a bite of the scone that he had brought to the table. Onyx watched the other stallion nibble on his food for a second before addressing the other pony's earlier comment, a tone of indifference still prominent in his voice. The hint of annoyance that he had exhibited when he had earlier spoken seemed to be largely defunct, though.

"And what, pray tell, would make me assume otherwise?"
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 5:30 pm

Ok, I think my OC is approved now. ( isn't it?)

"And what, pray tell, would make me assume otherwise?" the other pony asked, still sounding perfectly indifferent. Cranium narrowed his eyes. Oh.No.He.Didn't. Cranium was really quite shocked, even impressed by this stallion, ( though he still was very angry) for daring to queston him. Cranium was usually the one who judged the other inferiors, not others judging him.

" I'll have you know I'm a highly respected scientist, and I happen to be studying a highly complicated topic!" It was true... in a way.Cranium was studying "zap apples." He had yet to give them a scientific name, and in truth, the rowdy ( and very, very undignified) family that owned an apple orchard knew more than him. But he didn't need to know that, and besides, he had studied some topics that were even more complicated. Cranium looked at the clock, and his eyes widened. If he didn't get moving, he would be late for his lecture! Cranium gave the other unicorn a scowl.

" And I can prove it to you as well, if you choose to attend my lecture," he said, an angry, but slightly less furious tone. He grabbed a flyer from his lab coat pocket, and slammed it onto the table. " Now, I have somewhere I need to be!" he said, then briskly darted from the room. He was down to precisely seven minutes and forty six seconds to get to his destination, and he better not be late.
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 6:00 pm

(Yes, it is approved now. You can continue posting. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 16, 2013 8:38 pm

Not at all, It was my fault for not realizing!
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 12:00 am

"I'll have you know I'm a highly respected scientist, and I happen to be studying a highly complicated topic!"

"Fascinating." His tone of voice still seemed indifferent, though anyone could tell that he was being slightly sarcastic. Not quite enough to be considered insulting, however.

The other stallion happened to glance at a clock located on a nearby wall, and his eyes widened when he did so. Running late? The other pony gave Onyx a scowl, which he didn't care enough to respond to, and then spoke again.

"And I can prove it to you as well, if you choose to attend my lecture." At that point the other stallion pulled out a flyer and slammed it onto the surface of the table, causing some of the nearby customers to glance over at the sudden noise. "Now, I have somewhere I need to be!"

The stallion, still seemingly quite furious, marched out of the establishment. Onyx watched him as he went off to wherever his next destination was from the window he had previously chosen to sit next to. Once the stranger had disappeared from view, the lone Unicorn directed his attention to the flyer that had just been placed down in front of him.

Accompanying the recently departed pony's comment on a science lecture, this flyer did indeed provide general information on a lecture happening in Ponyville, on that date, and in, he glanced at the clock, seven minutes. Onyx was never one to be impressed by something as simple as a lecture. Anyone could perform a few laboratory experiments and then talk about it for an hour. But it did prove to him that the Unicorn he had recently met was not an idiot, for if he was then he would not be willing to rant to other so-called intellectuals.

At that point his brows furrowed. Thinking about the prospect, he realized that he had not attended any such lecture since...approximately a decade ago, probably more. After a second of contemplation, he levitated the small piece of paper with his magic and stood up from his seat, adjusting his cloak as he did so. I suppose I might as well attend this science lecture. This pony may be someone worth knowing. Even if he is not, I'll have at the minimum done something at least minimally productive.

Onyx then walked over to the establishment's front entrance and exited the building, casting a spell to diverge the rain around him as he did so. At a casual pace, he walked to the fairly nearby address that seemed to be hosting the other stallion's lecture, not much caring to arrive precisely on time.

The stallion arrived there in a short amount of time, entering the building found at the address depicted on the given flyer and dispelling the spell he had earlier cast as he went inside.
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 22, 2013 7:51 pm

Cranium darted into a large building, and glanced at his labcoat, and sighed heavily. It certainly wasn't his best attire, but truth be told, he only owned labcoats. Soon enough, the unicorn found himself at the podium, about to speak. He cleared his throat, and levitated a paper over to him using his unicorn magic.

" Thank you for attending this lecture. I have made several discoveries I find very important to ponykind, and I am also here to correct some very incorrect rumors," he said dryly. " I realize that many of you have heard of these "zap apples." A certain hick farm family prefers to think of these as some kind of supernatural event," he said with disgust. Murmers rose in the room, and when they were finished, he continued, but not before his eyes drifted to a certain pony in a purple cloak. He actually arrived. Interesting. " It appears that from extremely complicated studies involving the effect of radiation, that when made into "zap apple jam" it can display extrordinary miracles for a pony's health if they have the following problems- headaches, common colds, athlete's hoof, or a hoarse throat." Cranium allowed himself a rather cruel, thin smile.

" I have decided it is necessary to remove the land from the family that owns the orchard where the apples grow, so further research can be preformed, and they will be out of harm's way." The unicorn restrained from grinning. This was probably the only good part of his day- putting those ruffian Apples where they belong. In the streets. He felt almost gleeful. Of course, he would pay them a fair amount of money for their land. If he did, Rusty would never let him hear the end of it. Anyway, they deserved being on the streets for sure, but he certainly wasn't going to behave like a savage and leave them without money

( I have no idea if this is what a science lecture is like, so sorry if it's completely wrong!)

Last edited by Happyhobbit on Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 6:22 pm

(is it okay if Fugue can join in?)
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 6:40 pm

Sure! The more the merrier!
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 6:52 pm

A green unicorn stallion entered the shop, and quickly asked for a cupcake and a chocolate milkshake. After he got his snacks, he sat down at a table.
"Oh, the delightful tastes of the sweets...such an unimaginable flavor...oh if only they could be described in...poetry..." he said to himself, forgetting there are other ponies around.

(sorry if this is short...not really good at descriptive posts.)
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 2:57 am

(( Also, Cyclone: If you skim through the latest posts within this thread you'll see that Onyx and Cranium have actually left Sugarcube Corner and entered some undefined building where a science lecture of Cranium's is being held. Might want to either make a new post or edit your most recent one to accommodate this.))

"Thank you for attending this lecture. I have made several discoveries I find very important to ponykind, and I am also here to correct some very incorrect rumors. I realize that many of you have heard of these 'zap apples.' A certain hick farm family prefers to think of these as some kind of supernatural event."

Once Onyx was inside, he left the doorway to go and stand behind the other ponies in the room, against the back wall and centered on his newest acquaintance (if he could be considered even that). The other stallion glanced over at him as he took his chosen position, but aside from that negligible reaction he continued speaking as normal.

"It appears that from extremely complicated studies involving the effect of radiation, that when made into 'zap apple jam' it can display extraordinary miracles for a pony's health if they have the following problems: headaches, common colds, athlete's hoof, or a hoarse throat. I have decided it is necessary to remove the land from the family that owns the orchard where the apples grow, so further research can be preformed, and they will be out of harm's way."

Onyx's expression soured slightly, even if it was already considerably sour. He's too narrow-minded. Intelligent and capable, unlike most other useless simpletons, but narrow-minded. Looking around the room, the Unicorn was able to gauge the reactions of the ponies around him by their responses to the former stranger's proposal. Most spoke quietly with their colleagues on the subject, the general consensus being that the majority of the gathered group were for the proposal, but unsure on the topic of its radicality ((wasn't a word, but now I made it one)). Of course they are afraid to actually act, they always are. So-called professors and scientists that are all afraid of change.
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Vinyl Dash

Vinyl Dash

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A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 08, 2013 1:25 am

((As Cyclone seems to have neglected from posting in this thread, it may be better if we just continued on without him. Agreed?))
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2013 7:37 pm

Alright, agreed. Sorry for late reply!

Cranium cleared his throat to continue speaking, then suddenly gave a tiny sniffle. Are there... cats in here? The unicorn was awfully allergic to cats, and he started sneezing and sneezing whenever he was around them. No no no! Please, not now! Shoo, kitty, shoo! This day had been awful enough, he was absolutely not ready to be humiliated!

" I have, uh, concluded in my studies..." he began nervously, then gave a teensy, tiny sneeze.

" Achoo!" he gave a small sneeze, then another, and another. No no NO! Why now? Stupid cat!
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PostSubject: Re: A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated)   A Quick Snack (sequel to Cranium is Frustarated) I_icon_minitime

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