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My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic OC RP
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 The begining of a new adventure.

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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 8:18 pm

After all this time, finally, she had arrived to little Ponyville. She had heard lots of things about it, buy above all, she liked when ponies said it was a nice little town. Of course she had also heard all the negative comments that came from all the snob ponies from Canterlot, but that only help her desition to become easier.

She walked outside the train and took a little moment to herself, to think what was going to be her next move. She should have listened to her mother when she said she should have done things thinking before acting. But what was done was done and she regreted nothing.

She looked at all the ponies and loved the warm feeling she got from all their faces.
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 2:34 am


Intel hated physical labour, but the dishwasher was too big to move easily by magic. It didn't look like a dishwasher, in fact it looked more like a speaker. It's curious appearance was explained by the fact that it was owned by the famous Vinyl Scratch, aka DJ PON3. It had broken from overuse, and it was up to the town's mechanic to fix it.

Since Iccy was out of town, it fell to Intel.

The scientist/mechanic paused to take a break from pushing, groaning when he realised how much further he had to go.
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 2:46 am

Star smiled to herself, it was time for her to make a move on the first day in her new life. She started walking and on her first step she accidentally bumped another unicorn.

"I'm terribly sorry! I didn't mean to! I just... I was... Are you ok?"

"That was brilliant star..." she thought. She looked at him and how he was trying to move something that looke like a huge speaker.

"Let me make it up for you, Do you need any help with that? I think it'll be easier to move we do it together"

She smiled at him waiting for his answer, she didn't wanted for him to think that she was just some bothersome unicorn.
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Location : A little pocket universe after almost destroying the old one.

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 2:58 am

"Heh...hah...huh?" Intel waved off her apology, "Been through's alright..."

He focused his vision on the unicorn, who was pretty, but far too pink for his tastes. He frowned as he tried to recall where he might have seen her before, she looked somewhat familiar...

"No, you don't have to hel..." he looked again at the distance to the workshop, "Actually, yes, that would be very very much appreciated. Thank you. Just..let me regain my breath..."

When he did he started pushing again. "Say," he started, "Are you another new arrival? Where did you come from?" He assumed the pink unicorn had just arrived in town, considering that she had left the train station...
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 3:12 am

She smiled when he accepted her help, when he started pushing she joined him. She wandered why he didn't used his magic but she didn't ask, she thought he may have his reasons.

"Is it that obvious?" she smiled. "I just got off the train, I used to live in Canterlot" she continued pushing the large device. "I'm Rising Star by the way, buty you can call me Star, is shorter and easier to remember, nice meeting you" she smiled again.
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:36 am

"Ah...Canterlot," Intel sighed, eyes fading over, "Best city in Equestria of all time. Built on impossible dreams and such." He laughed and kept pushing. "My name is Intelligent Design, but I much prefer you call me Intel. My full name is not really accurate. Pleasure meeting you, too."

"So what brings you to this this strange little town, Star? Sweet Apple Acres? Sugarcube Corner? Carousel Boutique?" He paused to think. "Huh, the Elements certainly have a name for themselves beyond simply being the bearers of Harmony. Strange to think they all live here..."

Having someone to talk to made the task seem much easier, let alone the extra hoof. In no time, they were almost at the workshop.
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:52 am

"Yeah, it is where dreams come true as some say" "For some ponies... not all..." She thought. Star smiled when he asked his next question."Well... I don't know, I think everything about Ponyville brought me here" She laughed "I'm really exited to see everything, I've heard so much about here ever since they found the elements of harmony that I couldn't wait anymore, besides, everypony says everything is much calmer in Ponyville"

She was really exited about the conversation they were having. "So, Intel, have you always lived here?"
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Location : A little pocket universe after almost destroying the old one.

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 5:05 am

"Hah. Well, 'calm' is not a word I would use to describe this place," Intel muttered, opening the workshop and pushing the dishwasher inside, "Town of a million-and-two surprises, more like." And that was true. If it wasn't Pinkie Pie roping every pony into her latest party, it was Twi screwing around with magic. If it wasn't the Rainbow Pegasus zooming about, it was those three fillies causing trouble in their never ending crusade for cutie mark...

His eyes lit up with surprise at her question though, and a smirk appeared on his features. When he answered, it was in an accent that was cultivated by years of noble upbringing. "My dear Rising Star, have you not heard of the noble Design family? As our forefathers fostered the care of our great capital city during its conception, so the city has taken care of each and every one of our dynasty. Canterlot born-and-bred, Miss Star, and proud of it!"

He then burst out laughing. "Or something like that. Yes, when I professed my admiration for Canterlot, it wasn't a love of a second hand account. I, too, only came here recently."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 5:20 am

When she heard his accent she opened her eyes really wide. She started laughing remembering her parents and how they used to tell her to walk in the crowd like she was the only pony in the room.

"Oh my, I couldn't tell you were from Canterlot! How long have you been here?" she cleared her throat in a lady way and made a face like her mother use to do "I'm terribly sorry, I apologize for my manners Mr. Design, I dare myself to ask the reason of your departure from our beloved Canterlot, if it isn't too rude or daring for a lady to ask that to a fine stalion like yourself" She started laughing and looked at him "I'm sorry, I was just remembering how my mother made me talk all the time in Canterlot, I feel like I can relax in here"
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 5:32 am

"Yes, it is different here," Intel mused, thinking, "I came here...for a holiday, I suppose. Over worked, and may have collapsed under the strain. My family sent me here a couple of months until I can get back on my feet again and advance ponykind once more." He grinned. "Till then, it's fixing stuff and the like." He looked at the dishwasher. "Y'know...Vinyl doesn't need her dishwasher back until next week, so I can leave that till later. For now, I can show you around the town for a bit. Point out the sights to see and such. If you don't have any previous arrangements."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 5:45 am

"Overworked... I sure know about that" she sighted "Well, I'm glad they sent you on a holiday, so we could meet here" She smiled. "And well, I'm sure they need somepony here that helps them fix their devices"

When she heard his offer she looked at him with excitement. "Oh I would really love that! Well, if you are not too busy or tired" She surely didn't have any previous arrangements, so far, Intel was the only pony she knew there.

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 5:55 am

"Okay! We're going to take the 'avoid being abducted by Pinkie Pie at all costs' tour," Intel said, "And that's actually easier than you might think. How do you avoid getting dragged to Sugarcube Corner by a pony on a sugar high? Go there under your own power first."

Exiting the workshop and locking the door behind him, he then said, "Oh, and this is the Gear and Design workshop, for all your broken appliances. Though my name's next to his, Icarus Gear is the real mechanical genius, I just play along. Magical enchantments cost extra."

When walking over to the bakery/sweet shop, he then asked, "So, let me guess, you came to this town for reasons similar to mine?"
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 6:07 am

She started laughing. "A sugar high Pony? that sounds hilarious and exausting at the same time" She followed him and took a look at the workshop. "Icarus Gear, just by the sound of his name it feels like he really knows his business, is he a unicorn too?"

When she heard her question she tried to arrange the way she was going to explain her motives. "Well... yes and no, I was starting to get tired of the lifestyle I was having in Canterlot, but most of it, I was getting tired of the ponies that were always by my side" She was looking around, trying to memorise the houses, the ponies and the way Intel was showing her.

"You know how ponies in Canterlot can be, and how they'll do anything to be on the spot light or somewhere near the royal family, and I didn't want them to use me as a way to get what they wanted"

Somehow, she felt like she could talk to him, but she wanted to get to know him better, she didn't want him to think of her like a snob or just an irritating mare.
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 6:29 am

"Yes, Icarus is a unicorn, but one who dreams of wings," Intel said, "I'll introduce you to him when he comes back."

Listening to her response unnerved him a little. Canterlot ponies were a bit proud, but they weren't- they weren't that bad. At least, he didn't think they were that bad. Yes, the whole noble family traditions and such expected a lot from them, but that only made them work harder to fulfill those expectations. There were a few bad apples, but they always appeared wherever ponies started to gather. And to be tired of ponies...well, that he could understand. Kind of. Ponies were always tired of him and his excited exposition on the latest magical discoveries. How could a pony get tired of others listening to them?

"Sounds...tough," he managed, "You must have been quite the popular one, to suffer from too much attention. But won't they miss you? I'm sure at least some actually liked you as a pony, rather than a... a... um..." It occurred to Intel that he had no idea what she actually did for a living, and he didn't recognise the cutie mark.

He was saved by their arrival at the monument built so sugar and all things sweet.

"Here we are," he announced, "Sugarcube Corner."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 6:37 am

"A unicorn who dreams of wings? That's... amazing, Is that even possible? I would love to fly at least once!" She listened to him and smiled. "Im glad he doesn't know me" she thought. "Well, I don't want to think about myself as a popular pony, my parents are more of that than myself," She listened to him and she shook her head "I don't know if they'll miss me, I was just starting and well..."

She saw the store and she instantly smiled. She loved everything about it, the colors, the smell, everything.

"This is wonderful! Can we go in just a second? I'll like to see how it looks on the inside"
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 11:43 pm

Intel nodded. "Of course. I this is the first place I was taken when I first arrived in Ponyville. They have most delicious what-do-you-callems, stuck together with bread and honey, taste fantastic with a bit of butter. Oh, I forget. Let us enter, shall we?"

If it smelled good on the outside, the inside was heavenly. There was a reason that Sugarcube Corner got number two in Modern Mare's 'Top ten worst places in Equestria for any dieting pony'. The owners of the Corner, the Cakes, were recorded as having been 'disappointed' with this result, and had started making 'healthy alternatives'. The cupcakes were still their best-sellers, though, in all their diabetes-inducing glory.

"So..." Intel breathed, taking in as much scent as he could inhaling, "Anything take your fancy?"
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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Age : 35

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 2:44 am

Star smiled. "Thank you very much for bringing me here" She started looking around, there were cupcakes, cakes, cookies and many other treats she had never seen before. She looked at some apple cupcakes that looked so beautiful she would feel guilty if she ate them. She turned around at Intel.

"Oh my, I would feel aweful eating any of these! They are just so cute! It's like a work of art" She laughed. She the listened to him and thought. "Well, I like how those cupcakes look and how those cookies smell, it's so hard to choose. I think the ones I really want to eat are those beautiful apple cupcakes"
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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 3:05 am

Soon, they were leaving the bakery, still chewing on the remains of what used to be a work of art in flour and sugar form.

"Apples are actually the main export of this town," Intel explained, "Ponyville in it's current form was founded by the Apple family and Sweet Apple Acres is a major part of the community. It's called Ponyville instead of something apple related because....of something. That's curious, I've never asked."

"by the way, do you have a plan on what you're going to do here? For work, I mean."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 3:32 am

"That cupcake was amazing! I hope I don't become adicted to them, because if I do, I'll be in serious troubles" She laughed. She listened to his explanation carefully picking all the details. She really liked how Intel Told her all those things, it was like those great books she liked reading.

"I really love apples, they are one of my favorite fruits, and if the apples that were in this cupcake are from Sweet Apple Acres, I'm sure that place is paradise" She smiled. "I really like how you talk abouth this things, you make them sound so interesting, I mean, I'm not saying they are not interesting on their own, but I don't know, you make them sound special"

She listened to his question and she thought a little "Well, I would love to do something related to music, I don't know, a music school maybe? A music shop?"

Now that he had pointed it out, Star realized, she didn't have a plan, not one at all.
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Location : A little pocket universe after almost destroying the old one.

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 4:21 am

Intel laughed, embarrassed. "Ponies usually get bored when I start rambling on about stuff. You're one of the few who actually find me interesting. Then again, I usually just talk about reality anchors and ambiance and all that kind of stuff...nothing really what you can call easy material."

He smiled at Star's uncertainty. "I had no idea what I was going to do either. I was just lucky. There are a lot of foals around here, plus a school, so maybe being a music teacher might be the way to you don't have to worry about buying a store, and stock and all the things you need to run such a business...speaking of..."

"You might notice that to our left and right we have a lot of homes. This is the residential district, aptly named for this is where ponies live...buying a house here was very strange indeed. Instead of going to an auction or something like that, you went to the town hall to fill out an application for one, if you have the bits, of course." He grinned sheepishly. "Didn't really have a lot on me at the time, so I ended up buying a very small place of residence..."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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Age : 35

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 5:42 am

She smiled at him. "Oh no, I don't get bored, I always like learning new things, and well, If I don't get something, I always ask"

She listened to him and started thinking. She liked teaching, she didn't know if she was goos at it but she wanted to try. "That's actually a good idea, and well, if there is a school already that makes my job even easier" She smiled with exitement. "You are right, is really hard having a store, and I'm kind of distracted.

She listened to him and started looking around. All the houses were really pretty. "So I just have to go to town hall? That's easier than what I expected" She listened to him and looked at him curiosly "You did? So which one is your house?"
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Location : A little pocket universe after almost destroying the old one.

The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 10:37 pm

Intel pointed a house that could be best described as 'modest'. At least from the outside it looked alright, but it was a house that had undergone many an enchantment, making it look...odd. Subtly warped. Trying to look at it for too long required a good lie down afterwards, and dreams involving mobius strips and physical paradoxes were not unheard of. The fact that Intel lived in such a place spoke a lot about him.

But if asked to actually describe the house at a glance, many would find it quite ordinary. If a bit worn down by the various experiments that the owner had conducted from within.

"Don't look at it too long or too hard," Intel warned, "There are quite a few enchantments on that place for security, heating, cleaning, sort of thing. Staring it can give you a headache if you're not used to high magical environments. I'm trying to fix it..."
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 2:30 am

Star looked in the direction that Intel pointed, even though it was a modest house she loved it, it was unique. She thought she could learn a lot from Intel just by looking at his house.

"Ok, but it is hard not to do it, your house is amazing!" She smiled "I see, amm Why are there so many charms?" she asked.

Then she looked a little worried. "Is there something dangerous in here that I have to worry about?"

OFF: I'm really sorry about the delay I wasnt able to come until now >.< Don't hate me! *Puppy eyes*
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PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2012 4:23 am

"The only remotely dangerous thing in there is, uh, me," Intel joked, "But I am used to such things from home. Plus, the charms were of my own design." He smirked. "Being a Gifted Scholar does have its advantages."

He pointed over at a tree building. "Over there is the library for all you literary needs. Run by the famous Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's most faithful student. Despite what you may hear, the rest of the students aren't jealous. Well, maybe a little bit."

He frowned. "So far she hasn't magically linked it to Canterlot through L-space despite my suggestions. That's the major thing the Infomancers back in the city are working on, you know. Connecting all compendiums of knowledge into one system, so you can borrow a book from say, Fillydelphia whilst in any other library in Equestria. Still in the theoretical stages, of course."

AN: Hey, least you came back!
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Rising Star

Rising Star

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The begining of a new adventure.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 2:19 am

"Hahaha, well, I would have loved being a gifted scholar, school may have been a little easier for me" She was amazed by him, she had never met such an interesting pony ever.

She saw in the direction he was pointing. "Twilight Sparkle... I think I have heard of her, in some Canterlot party if I remember well, What is she doing here? Isn't she supoused to be beside princess Celestia?"

She listened to his idea and smiled "That would be so useful! Has she told you why she hasn't done it yet? I think it would be wonderful, there are so many books in the Canterlot library that would help everypony here!"

OFF: Yes I'm! I was a little busy but I'm here to stay! =)
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PostSubject: Re: The begining of a new adventure.    The begining of a new adventure.  I_icon_minitime

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