The sun had set in Trottingham, the traffic on the street had died down, and if there were to be a costumer to come in at this point, it would probably be one of their regulars. Raynie put a few books back on the shelf, glanced over towards Ruby, then back to her books. Ruby had started working at her book store about a month ago, more and more as Raynie decided she enjoyed the company.
What Raynie really enjoyed was the times she runs into Ruby's twin brother, Russet. She actually never runs across Ruby in town, only Russet. It was also interesting a few times when Ruby had left something at the shop, it was Russet that actually came in to get it.
Raynie put the last book on the shelf and looked back at Ruby, she wanted to say something to her, but she just couldn't muster the courage to being it up to her. She walked back to the front counter to tidy up a little bit, looking out the front window she considered closing up for the night. Mid week almost never had an customers after dark.
Raynie glanced back up to Ruby, glancing down then once again back to Ruby. "Ruby--" Raynie said fairly quietly, trying to get her attention.