A Broken Hearted Home
Destination of house: Manehattan
Area: The dodgy bits of town.
Adress you want: 405 Fedora Drive, Manehattan, Equestria
No. of rooms: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom
How many stories: 1
Which rooms:
~ Broken Hearts Bedroom
~His gloomy kitchen
~His eating/living area
~His bathroom
List the rooms and their size and appearance:
The front door opens to the living/eating room.
It has one cream colored table and one pull out chair.
It has a worn, old sofa facing a coffee table with a picture of Cynthia on it.
There's two doors in the living/dining room, one too the kitchen and one to the bedroom.
The kitchen has white ceramic tiles on the floor and is overall very cream-colored. It's cramped and compact, but Broken Heart doesn't mind.
The bedroom has the same tile that was in the kitchen and looks like a bedroom from a mental hospital.
It has a bed with white sheets on a steel frame with a steel end table with a picture of Cynthia and a lamp on it.