Hello, Sweetpony. It seems that you are new to this site. Firstly, I would like to be the first to welcome you to these wonderful forums. It's great to see a new member want to start roleplaying with the other people in this community, but before you can do that there are a few things that you must first do:
1. First and foremost, you must read the
site rules. These should help you better understand the site and how it works.
2. The second most important thing that you must do before roleplaying is that you need to create a character in the
submitted creations forum using the
character creation template. If you need help with this then you can look at the "Character Creation Procedures" section of the site rules for assistance.
Hopefully you can do these things quickly and begin to roleplay with us as soon as possible, we can't wait to see what you have to offer! And if you still need assistance with the above tasks, or if you simply want to meet some new people, come join us at the chatbox found at the bottom of this forum's home page. See you soon!