After consideration and debate among the admins, rules for the chat box have changed.
Originally, the purpose of the rules concerning RP in the chat box was to minimize the sometimes chaotic levels of conversation that would occur in the chat. This has not changed. It is not the wish of the staff to prohibit all forms of RP in the chat room, nor let it run rampant.
Role playing in the chat room is allowed. When the chat comes to be busy and flowing with members, 8 or more, it is discouraged and would benefit by moving to a more dedicated medium.
The idea here is that with many more members being in the chat room lately, that there is much more regular conversation going on and it can be confusing rather quickly. Though in less populated times with less members it is not difficult to see whats going on.
Off the record, i want to also take this chance to heavily recommend that when you RP in chat to separate your OCs action and dialogue as such.
An action = *Shala drinks all her vokda*
Dialogue = "Where did all my vodka go?"
This way its much easier for you and your fellow members to know when you are RPing or just talking normally. I have used this myself for a while. I will give you a cookie if you do it too.[/b][/b]