[11:37:48 02/09/13] Rosella : Torna
[11:37:53 02/09/13] Zealand : Pegaparty :D
[11:37:56 02/09/13] Speedy.Pride : for now, we're skipping the revelation of Gollum and the discovery by Bilbo.
[11:37:56 02/09/13] Rosella : Save my sanity
[11:38:01 02/09/13] Zealand : And imma sleep
[11:38:03 02/09/13] * Aurora banishes Candle to HW land
[11:38:13 02/09/13] Zealand : 3:38am why I'm awake >.<
[11:38:25 02/09/13] Torna : uum
[11:38:34 02/09/13] * Torna locks everyone else out
[11:38:48 02/09/13] * Zealand huggles everypony & gives Rosella a giant cookie for being so brave <3
[11:39:00 02/09/13] * Torna drags Rose in
[11:39:01 02/09/13] gemini starshade : Hi Torna
[11:39:06 02/09/13] * Torna locks it again
[11:39:09 02/09/13] Torna : hi gemmy
[11:39:16 02/09/13] * Rosella eats cookie
[11:39:22 02/09/13] * Aurora teleports in
[11:39:30 02/09/13] Torna : I don't know how to save your sanity other than semi-temporarily removing the problem
[11:39:32 02/09/13] Aurora : Hi
[11:39:41 02/09/13] * Torna puts Aurora out and blocks magic from entering the room
[11:39:45 02/09/13] * Torna locks it
[11:39:48 02/09/13] * Rosella watches the chat, since there aren't any staff
[11:39:53 02/09/13] * Aurora teleports in :P
[11:39:57 02/09/13] Rosella : ...
[11:40:00 02/09/13] Torna : Nuh uh
[11:40:03 02/09/13] Torna : you're blocked
[11:40:07 02/09/13] Aurora : ep
[11:40:09 02/09/13] Torna : magic is blocked from this room
[11:40:11 02/09/13] Aurora : I'm way op
[11:40:15 02/09/13] Rosella : It's my duty.
[11:40:22 02/09/13] Torna : teleporting sends you somewhere random that isn't the room
[11:40:33 02/09/13] * Candle_Glow was banished to HW land
[11:40:33 02/09/13] * Aurora forms a key
[11:40:41 02/09/13] * Aurora unlocks
[11:40:45 02/09/13] * Torna bolts it from the inside
[11:40:49 02/09/13] * Torna bars the door
[11:40:53 02/09/13] * Torna barricades it
[11:40:55 02/09/13] * Aurora deletes Room
[11:41:02 02/09/13] Aurora : lol
[11:41:05 02/09/13] Torna : Nuh uh
[11:41:10 02/09/13] Torna : it is blocked from that
[11:41:14 02/09/13] Aurora : Ya huh
[11:41:19 02/09/13] * Torna deletes Aurora's toilet
[11:41:22 02/09/13] Aurora : Im awesome
[11:41:26 02/09/13] * Torna makes a better room
[11:41:27 02/09/13] * Rosella is deleted with the room
[11:41:29 02/09/13] Aurora : What?
[11:41:38 02/09/13] * Torna puts Rose in the room
[11:41:39 02/09/13] * Aurora un-deletes Rose
[11:41:58 02/09/13] * Aurora forms a magical Bubble around Rose so she is safe
[11:42:00 02/09/13] Aurora : There
[11:42:08 02/09/13] * Aurora gives Torna the key
[11:42:13 02/09/13] * Rosella is floating in space
[11:42:14 02/09/13] Aurora : Bubbble is better
[11:42:22 02/09/13] * Torna brings Rose to the room
[11:42:25 02/09/13] Rosella : The buck just happened?
[11:42:38 02/09/13] * Aurora deletes Torna and Room
[11:43:13 02/09/13] gemini starshade : Don't...Don't question it. It'll only confuse you more
[11:43:21 02/09/13] Aurora : ..
[11:43:28 02/09/13] Rosella : Nuuuuu Torna
[11:43:29 02/09/13] * Rosella whacks Aurora
[11:43:30 02/09/13] Rosella : Brings her back!!!
[11:43:38 02/09/13] * Aurora gives rose chocolate for being good
[11:43:45 02/09/13] * Aurora deletes chocolate
[11:43:54 02/09/13] * Aurora gives Rose Torna
[11:44:03 02/09/13] * Rosella gives chocolate back
[11:44:07 02/09/13] Rosella : I'll get fat.
[11:44:17 02/09/13] * Aurora has put torna all in Roses hands
[11:44:27 02/09/13] Aurora : hooves*
[11:44:32 02/09/13] Rosella : Sorry if my reactions are slow, bad signal
[11:44:34 02/09/13] Aurora : hoofs*
[11:44:36 02/09/13] Aurora : idk
[11:45:01 02/09/13] * Candle_Glow attempts to creep out of the HW land
[11:45:18 02/09/13] * Torna is given to Rose apparently
[11:45:26 02/09/13] Zealand : Plays ;3
[11:45:32 02/09/13] Zealand : Hmm
[11:45:36 02/09/13] * Aurora banishes self to sad land because of being sad.
[11:45:52 02/09/13] * Aurora unbanishes Cndle
[11:46:24 02/09/13] gemini starshade :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwlDik1ovuU[11:46:26 02/09/13] * Aurora has a red hoof mark on face from being wacked
[11:46:39 02/09/13] Candle_Glow : yay
[11:46:43 02/09/13] * Rosella is completely befuddled
[11:46:47 02/09/13] * Candle_Glow unbanishes Aurora
[11:47:06 02/09/13] * Aurora is permanently banished
[11:47:09 02/09/13] Rosella : Somepony copy this