Aster hummed a cheerful tune as he happily pranced through the streets of Canterlot. Today was a Saturday! And Saturdays means off duty! Which, of course, meant a picnic in his favorite spot, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of Canterlot. Aster adored the meadow. It was filled with daisies, poppies, and other wildflowers. And today was a great day for a picnic! The sun is shining, and there's not a cloud in the sky, Aster thought happily to himself. And the best part? Nopony was ever in his special meadow.
"I can always be-" Aster started to say, then flinched as he heard a roaring in the distance. His eyes widened as he noticed the ponies wearing contruction hats, and their large machines everywhere.
" ...alone?" he finished, staring at the construction site. What were they doing to his precious place? He trotted up to a mare already starting to haul out equipment from a bag.
" Excuse me... what's going on here?" Aster asked carefully. The mare looked up at him, and gave a snort.
" What does it look like? We're making this dump into a museum. Or possibly another cafe. I dunno, but the boss probably does." Asters eyes widened in horror.
" You can't do that to my... my meadow! I... I got my cutie mark h-here!" he said, startled. The mare rolled her eyes in response and returned to taking shovels, drills, and whatnot from her bag.
Aster stood by her in shock, trying to register the news. " They're going to destroy my meadow," he whispered in horror.