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 Onyx Pariah

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Zephyr Botanica

Zephyr Botanica

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PostSubject: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 4:19 pm

Onyx Pariah

Onyx Pariah Onyx_zps89d17b9a
(Image done by plaguemouse)

3D Image:

Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Mane: Red and Black
Tail: Red and Black
Eyes: Red
Body: Black
Cutie Mark: A large, but slender red crystal, which has three smaller ones orbiting it.
Age (Baby,adult): Adult


Onyx is an incredibly cautious mare, whom trusts little, and sees all. Due to her reputation, she’s been forced to shut out her emotions, less they betray her. From experience, she’s learned that such feelings are weakness- they can be controlling and cloud one’s judgment, which is something she can’t lack. Thus, the unicorn bares a stoic face, and an even firmer stance at all times.

Having emerged herself in books of new and old all her life, Onyx has founded a strong intelligence. She’s knowledgeable in terms of ‘book smarts’, but also an experienced mare in the real world. Thus, she’s capable of recognizing threats with more ease than most, and has established quick reflexes to respond to most situations.

Deep within, despite her outward appearance and rather unusual outer personality, Onyx is a broken mare. She longs to grasp happiness like her fellow citizens of Equestria, and to know the splendor of friendship.  The unicorn wants to be accepted like anyone else for whom she is, despite her affiliation with the dark arts, and her fascination with the darkness itself.

Unfortunately, she’s been hurt too many times to allow herself to open up, or be welcomed. Her fears of being betrayed are far too strong and suffocating.

Plus, there's all the guilt that threatens to swallow her whole. Guilt for the horrors she had committed, unaware of the truth behind each action. Onyx longs to be forgiven for the wrongs. though fears to ask for it.

Likes: Dark Magic, All Hallow’s Eve, Books (Old Tomes are preferred)
Dislikes: Being untrusted, feared, and hated.


It was sunset on All Hallow’s Eve when a piercing scream shattered the calm of Canterlot’s  residential streets. A young mare with beautiful black-silk-like color, was giving birth to her first foal. She screamed and howled, the pain unbearable, while her faithful husband, a mare with a shimmering crystal-white coat, stood by her side. He whispered words of comfort, held her hoof, and watched with wide, expecting eyes as his offspring was brought into the world.

The labor lasted well after the sun’s last rays, ending at last when the full moon was high in the sky. Unto the world, a newborn unicorn was granted, with a crystal-like black coat and beautiful white mane.  She was named Onyx for her coat, and took the surname Gem, after her father.  The two  couldn’t have been happier- their new filly was in the greatest of health (if her wailing was any indication of her lung capacity) and bared now flaws.

As a youngling, Onyx showed signs of remarkable magical potential. Her horn was more than an instrument or tool, or even an appendage- it was a part of her soul.  It seemed to react with her emotions, even. When happy, tiny sparks would fly from its pointed tip. While saddened, she’d accidentally cause a storm cloud to materialize and rain over her head.  At first, the magic seemed harmless- other than the messes it caused. However, as she grew older and experienced new emotions, it became more wild and dangerous.

Her parents did their best to learn how to help their filly control her power, but their efforts came at a great cost to their health. They became mentally fatigued reading scrolls and tomes, physically foul from running about, fixing her messes, and emotionally distraught.  Onyx’s father, having originally hailed from the Crystal Empire, wanted to take his daughter there to train, knowing there were many prominent ponies that could be of assistance, plus the city had a great library of ancient arts, which might have been of assistance. But her mother, a unicorn born and raised in Canterlot, believed the best course was to try and enroll their daughter in Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

Onyx was quite nervous at her initiation test, having never been critiqued before, save for the voices of her folks.  By the enrollment age, she had grasped a greater control over her powers, though they still had the tendency to overpower her whenever the filly’s emotions ran high. Due to her frightened state and hesitation, her magic swooned and swelled, rocking the very foundation of the room. When asked to perform a task by the judges, the quaking became more frequent, as did the churning of her stomach. She was able to perform the tasks, but after each one, the magic became more unstable.  At the final test, Onyx could no longer control the essence flowing from her tip, and wound up unleashing it as a condense wave, which shattered glass, cracked  the stone pillars, and threw all the ponies from their seats.

The mares and colts deemed her too unstable to attend the academy. Her parents pleaded for them to change their minds, but they stood firm on their decision. Onyx’s mother even begged, tears in her eyes, knowing that only the Princess would be able to help their little filly. Seeing her parents so desperate, Onyx grew ashamed and upset- she didn’t want her folks to go through all the embarrassment and pain. Recognizing it was her emotions that had brought about the disaster, she vowed to herself to learn to shut them out- it was the only way to control her magic.

Her parents were perplexed. If Onyx couldn’t attend a specialized school, how were they to place her in a normal class? All it would take was one emotional outburst, and the whole facility could go up in flames. One evening, when she overheard her folks speaking of such concerns, the filly approached them with dulled eyes, though buried deep within was a great sorrow. She promised them that she would be a good filly, and she’d control herself no matter what. They were reluctant to agree so easily, but what other choice did they have?

This was the first time Onyx encountered others her own age. They were all unicorns like herself, but besides their species being identical, nothing else was. From their colors to statures and other physical attributes, to their personalities, each and every one were different. Some seemed friendly, others cruel, a few snobbish, a couple meek. Onyx, however, was nothing. She couldn't allow herself to react in any way, less her magic be released recklessly. Of course, her lack of interests (or what everyone assumed was her not caring for anything), and reluctance  to interact singled the filly out.

Unknowing what else to make of Onyx, they labeled her an outcast. Every day, they would avoid her like the plague, while taunting and teasing from a distance. Naturally, this angered the young unicorn, but she forced herself to swallow her irritation, fearing the consequences should it be released. During recess, while others frolicked and played, Onyx remained indoors, tending to a book or two or three. However, natural curiosity and longing had her watching the others from the window, and with every day passing, she yearned more for their lifestyle, but kept the longing bottled inside.

One afternoon when Onyx went home, she came across her father, tending to their garden out back. He immediately dropped all he was doing upon noticing something strange about his filly- a lock of her crystal-white hair had turned red. Having had enough nonsense, he planted his hoof down, deciding to do what he believed should have been done ages ago. Without the consent of his wife, he boarded the next train to the Crystal Empire, intent on finding out once and for all what was going on with his daughter.

The Empire was known for its magical properties, most of which lurked within the very crystals the buildings were composed of. Onyx had never imagined such great beauty before, nor was she allowed to see much of it- she was immediately rushed to the library.

Deep within the depths, where the oldest tomes and scrolls were kept, Onyx and her father lurked about in search for aid. It was there, behind a row of books covered in dust and cobwebs, that she happened upon a black book covered in runes. While her father was preoccupied with his research, she decided to pass the time and read a bit herself. Inside the tattered pages, she found a multitude of spells, all written in a strange red ink, pictured with crude drawings.

The spells, she realized, were dark. Perhaps even forbidden. Curious, Onyx read on, finding each passage more fascinating than the last. Growing bold, she decided to test one of the spells out for herself- there wasn't anyone around to distract her, so she should have had complete control over her magic. Sure enough, with much concentration and effort, the young unicorn produced a black magical essence around her horn. As it intensified, her eyes took on a green glow, while purple flames flicked from their edges, and her irises beamed red. She launched a beam of pure darkness from her horn onto the table beside the book, causing a crystal to spawn.

Suddenly, the book snapped shut- but not from its own accord. A hoof had been firmly placed upon the book's cover, the rest of the limb was sheltered within a black cloak. The shock of the incident caused her magic to disperse, including that which leaked from her eyes, though her irises remained tainted red. While deathly afraid, Onyx failed to show as much, and stared at the shadowed figure, wondering, waiting for him or her to scold her. Instead, a deep chortle escaped the hood's flap, and the apparent colt patted her on the head. Then, just as quick as he appeared, he was gone again.

Bewildered, Onyx returned the book to the shelf and galloped back to her father. Expecting him to be busy, she was shocked to find him waiting for her, though his expression was strange. There was a blankness in his eyes, which also seemed unnaturally shadowed. He told her that he was going back home to Canterlot, but she had to remain in the Crystal Emprie and continue her studies there. She wanted to burst out crying, to beg on her knees and scream in protest, but instead, Onyx simply nodded. Then, in silence, she watched her father walk away, and in his place, the cloaked figure emerged.

He stated that he would be her mentor, having taken interest in her abilities to control the dark, ancient arts. With her father gone and her mother back in Canterlot, plus the fact that she desired to work on her magical potential without fear of harming them (or anyone else), Onyx agreed.

Despite all their time together, the colt never mentioned his name, but he did provide her with food, a home on the outskirts of the empire, and plenty of magic lessons. He had her focus on the dark arts, mainly from the very book she happened upon in the library, though he did provide tomes of his own. With each year's passing, her magic grew, as did her confidence. Onyx pushed herself harder, challenged herself at every opportunity, went well above and beyond even the expectations of her master.

By the time she had become an adult, the darkness was well manifested within her. It was reflected in her now red and black mane and tail, beamed through her slitted pupils and ever-red eyes. With her being so well adapted to the art, her nameless mentor decided to have her perform his own test. She was instructed to head to the border of the Crystal Empire, to one of the massive crystals that jutted towards the heavens, and perform a specific spell onto it.

Seeing no harm, Onyx did as she was told, unaware of the spell being a counterspell. Immediately, the once sheen white, sky blue and purple structure turned a bitter black, and cast a deep shadow that stretched across the land, heading to the crystal's kin. One by one they lost their luster, becoming a dull and ominous as the first. As she watched them turn, laughter of the cynical sort boomed behind her. It was her mentor, no longer sheathed within his cloak, but instead standing tall and proud in glistening silver armor.

He stared at her with bright green eyes, which hissed purple flames, similar to the ones she experienced all those years ago. The rest of him was naught but shadow. His misshaped horn touched hers, which caused Onyx's consciousness to waver. Before the world around her blackened, he whispered his thanks for her aid, and how much his own master would appreciate it. Whether she wanted him or not, he would forever be a part of her, deep within.

When she awoke, Onyx found herself garbed in silver armor, draped with red velvet. She stumbled back into the city, whose sky was as black as all the crystals around her. Everywhere, ponies were screaming and running about, fleeing for their lives and freedom. Chaos boomed, but not as loudly as the sinister laughter of her mentor, which seemed to come from no where, yet everywhere at the same time. Other chortles joined with his, echoing both in space and her mind.

All sorts of emotions began to bubble within her, which awoke all those she had ever swallowed. When combined, they were too much to withhold, and Onyx let out a wail that caught the attention of all the frightened citizens around her momentarily, before she disappeared on the spot.

It wasn't until the Crystal Empire emerged from its curse that consciousness was retaken. Onyx awoke to find the empire free from corruption, though unaware of just how that came to be. When she found herself freed from whatever abandoned building she had unknowingly teleported herself to, her presence caused immediate panic. For one, she still donned the armor her mentor had given her, as well as his banner on her back- whatever that might have been. While some fled, others cursed and swore at her, the more bolt attempted to attack.

She was forced to flee the city to save her hide, and to pacify the ponies. However, as she scampered across the plains, Onyx couldn't help but feel a familiar presence lurking all around her. The mare decided to ignore it, wishing the empire's inhabitants peace, and ventured off into the unknown..

A mare with no home, no friends, and no recollection of a good portion of time, Onyx decided to change her surname to Pariah, for that is what she had become. An outcast, unloved and feared by an entire kingdom, for deeds she had no intention of doing. To this day, she wanders, never sticking to one town for long, fearing her identity stirring more negativity. However, she still longs for that which had always eluded her- all the kindness and great things of the world.

Would she ever find happiness?

Example RP segment: #3

Rain was a friend to flowers and fauna, but not to a lone mare stalking about in the dead of night. Each drop threatened to saturate her already wet black cloak, and the multitude of puddles were growing difficult to evade. In annoyance, she snorted and narrowed her eyes, brow furrowing with frustration. She needed to get out of the rain and soon- she was starting to feel a chill.

While Onyx could easily have conjured herself a flame for warmth, the downpour was growing worse. Fortunately, before she could become dismayed, a flickering of lights caught her attention up ahead. The further she trotted, the more defined the lights became, and before long she was able to determine they hailed from a rickety looking building.

Swinging above the front door was a sign, baring the picture of a drinking flask. Normally, Onyx would never venture into a tavern, but the warmth it promised was welcoming. She took a step closer to the door, but paused, hearing an outburst of laughter. Beneath her hood, the mare's ears twitched then flattened. Rather than proceed, she side-stepped to a window and gazed through its dirty glass to the inhabitants beyond.

The tavern was nearly full to the brim with all sorts of ponies, from unicorns to pegasus, and even earthen folk. All of them seemed so happy, be it due to the alcohol or company, or perhaps both. They also appeared relaxed and carefree, all features Onyx longed to be.

With a second snort, she shook her head and turned her back to the tavern. That was no place for her likes- she was an outcast, after all. While the mare was leagues away from the empire that forsook her, there might be a pair of eyes or two that would recognize her, and she couldn't have that. Thus, with a shiver and sigh, she stepped back out into the rain and continued down her lonely path to the unknown.


Last edited by Zephyr Botanica on Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:59 am; edited 5 times in total
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Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 8:20 pm

O.O Dear Luna, Tia, Cadance, and Twily the app is SO long and detailed! It's awesome, but my lord the length! But, there is an iffy part to it. At this part:

"He stared at her with bright green eyes, which hissed purple flames, similar to the ones she experienced all those years ago. His curved red-tipped horn touched hers, which caused Onyx's consciousness to waver. Before the world around her blackened, he whispered his thanks for her aid in assisting him in the overthrowing of the empire.

When she awoke, Onyx found herself garbed in silver armor, draped with red velvet. She stumbled back into the city, whose sky was as black as all the crystals around her. Everywhere, ponies were screaming and running about, fleeing for their lives and freedom. Chaos boomed, but not as loudly as the sinister laughter of her mentor, whom stood at the castle's main balcony, overlooking his new kingdom. "

I don't know about you, or anyone else, but that sounds strikingly similar to King Sombra, which is a canon character, and those are not allowed, even though it's not forwardly mentioned.

Awesome app though. I mean, it is amazing. Just my brain is too tiny to read it all so easily
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Zephyr Botanica

Zephyr Botanica

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PostSubject: Re: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 8:26 pm

I apologize, it was meant to be him. I'll edit him out now. :3
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Zephyr Botanica

Zephyr Botanica

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PostSubject: Re: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 8:32 pm

Ok, let me know if I need to do anymore editing. And thank you for responding!
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 31, 2013 8:37 pm

Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better nows.

*Grabs her stamp and hits Onyx in the face with it*


Just a question, are those devil horns in her mane? And why are they present?
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PostSubject: Re: Onyx Pariah   Onyx Pariah I_icon_minitime

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