Ok, so here are the rules, to organize the thread, It will be located in the category: "other places." there will be three different topics for the teams,a which are the following : Animal Team, Plant team, and Weather team, You don't have to be a Pegasai to be on the weather team. so here they are...the rules that is.
One team per character. This means, please do not change what team your character is on. You are welcome to RP more than one characters however, and have them on different teams.
- Listen to your Team Leader. They are there to guide the RP and give direction; when they say a task needs to be done, volunteer and get at it.
- Involve others- Nopony can do this alone, and none of these tasks can be done immediately or right away. Be sure to help and interact with others on your team!
- All forum rules apply. Please be courteous to others, and keep the RP appropriate.
To get involved, choose a team to participate in with any of your character. Team leaders will get selected to organize the wrap-up, and the team leaders can use your help in getting basic tasks done! Each team leader will be providing tasks for ponies to volunteer to complete- RP completing these tasks to help your team wrap up their responsibilities!
Be aware that not everything goes to plan, and be ready to help your Team Leader out when they discover a problem- Ponyville can only succeed if everypony works together!