Destination of House: Manehattan
Current Bits: 500
Area: Manehattan apartment complex.
Address: 670 Dewey Brook Court Apt# 3E
No. of Rooms:
Stories: 1
Which rooms"
Bedroom: Small and cramped with a single bed. The walls of it are lined with photographs and small foal toys.
Livingroom/kitchen: The kitchen contains a sink, stove, and refrigerator that have all been retrofitted into a chemistry lab. The living space contains two couches facing each other and a small bookshelf filled with novels.
Bathroom: Very small room with a toilet, shower, and sink.
Study: A work bench with neatly arranged metal working tools sits by the door. Beside it sits a scrap bin filled with various pieces of scrap metal and junk pieces. The walls are line with bookshelves containing schematics and journals filled to the brim with research notes.